Black Time

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"Alright, Girls we have a winner" Came Dylan's voice from the viewing area, which was the entreance of the   whole ware house (He's the director of the whole operation). Me and Zafina stopped sword fighting and looked at him. "Well its plural"

"Just get on with it" Esme said, impatiently. She hated it when someone disturbed fighting practaice. 

"Well its a family of six. Their names are Carlisle, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie Cullen" Instantly we all froze. Only Dylan and the camera and recording crew didn't know our issues with them.

"WHAT" We all screamed at the same time. Dylan looked at us surprised.

"Is there an issue?" He asked, confused.

"No no no. its just.." i though had to come up with a lie. 

"We were just surpirsed" Esme butted in. "Its nothing. Don't queston it" that was more of a demand. Dylan nodded, still confused so he carred on.

"They'll be here tomorrow moring 9 am sharp. I'll ecort them here in the limo. I  guessing you want to keep this place hidden?" We all nodded. "I shall have the window blocked. Good day" He said then left. There was utter silence, i would have bet you could heard a pin drop.

"I though we were here to get away from them, not have them come here" I snarled and started to pase angrily. Esme started to hyperventalate, well she would have if vampires could.

"What do we do? What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO"  Esme shouted, clearly panicing.

 "Well for started Esme, you need to calm down" It had been years since i last called Esme by her name. It was weired calling her that. "We need to plan. Lets go to section five"

Since the giant wear house was, well giant, it was also spilt up. Section one being the room we were in now, the main bit.

Section two was a larger surplay of weponary, human made, onto a wall. the ammunion was in the matal boxed on the table ans under it. It was also spit into two rooms too. The second room held targets that were opirations so ir could move closer or further away

Section three was the garage, where it held all our viecals. Which were a lot.

Section four was Danger zone, a completely metal room, with sliding doors, with hand reconision so only selected people could come in. inside, the walls were completely made of Lutetium, one of earths hardest metal, compied with our venom, it was harder than vampire skin. If we came across any new borns or created any then we would have to put them in here. There were also weights, to help vampire become stronger, much like weights to a human but this was a lot heavyer so some vampires might have difficulty lifting it. If the worst came to the worst then we could use it as a panic room. Something we haven't exsperinced and hopefully will never.

Section five was the discussion area. It held Cctv, computers, chalboards, corkboards, clear whiteboards, paper, all of those things. To plan our consorts o things like that. It helped a lot. But if it was a privet matter then we could block off.

And section six held all of our instruments and a recording studio.

We all headed off into section five, sealing off the door. To soundproof.

"Okay what do we do" Esme said, siting down in one of the steel chair at the table. I sat down too, the others following.

"We can't just cancel. It wound't seem fair and it would ruin out reputation that we built. I know is going to be hard, On you Esme especily. And on me. So i suggest go go along with it" Instantly there was an uproar. "Listen to me, please" I waited till silence.

"Fine" Senna said and started to pace.

"Its hard for all of us. But we have to pretend that were human and we don't know them. Thanks to our gifts can can pull it off."

"I sence a but coming" Zafina said, obviously dredding what i was going to say

"It would look susbious if we all blocked our minds from Edward and our emotions from Jasper." Patrick and Soman paled. I took and unnessisary breath. "Either we put a block on ciertain memorys, or have have som sort of illiuson that creates fake thoughts for him to hear. Either way is risky."

"What are the risks?" Soman asked, his face colourless.

"Accidental perminent blockage, we wound't be able to removed the block from you mind, and plus it would proably removed the memory of what happen after the block was on, so you wound't rember the meeting with the Cullens at all. The illiuon could accidetly slip and give the whole game away. I can let one of you have your memorys and block you. I need to remember becase i'm the person blocking the memorys."

"Would we forget were a vampire and accidently use our speed or strengths" Katchiri asked neriously. I shook my head.

"No i can edit a past too. This is what i could put.. You know that your a vampire but its upmost importance to look human and act human. This include eating food" They groaned "Pretend potty breaks. Humans pee every few hours." Zafrina wrinked her nose. I carried on. "I can make sure that you never known the Cullens, or seen them but they'll had this familierity when you see them. A fake past is that we met in a karoiki bar and sang when we were younger. Eventrily we came one band. We will pretty much act the same but with a few diffrances towards the Cullen. Me and Esme can be sisters and Katchiri, Senna and Zafrina are non-identical triplets, Ethen is Senna's boyriend and Patrick and Soman are zafrina's and Katchiri's boyfirends "

They all looked at me.

"Can we have time to decide" Ethan Asked. I nodded. Over the years, me and Esme had eventrly seemed like the learders of the coven. i didn't like it that much but it worked. I stood up and exited the room and when to my study part of the buildering since each section was a complete different building. I saw that Esme did too. I pulled out my journal and started to write my plans in. i knew vampire couldn't forget but i wanted a back up plan, should all else fails.


After half an hour Zafrina came and walked me back to the room in silence. I could tell she was incredibly nervious.

"What have you desided" I asked sitting down.

"I think its best if You and Emily had your memorys. We wearn't involved directly with them in the past. I know its going to hurt you Em but its nessisary. They don't know who you are now, to them your Emily Swan. You might look like Carlisle surposily dead wife but now you a diffrent person to Esme Cullen. If you had your memorys wiped then you could fancy him again, if he leaves, you hurt more but you won't know why, then when you have your memorys back then you'll be embarrised. i don't want that" Zafrina said, lloking directy at Esme who looked worse for wear. The others agreed.

"but its not fair for you guys" Esme protested. Senna smiled sadly.

"We know Emily. But i thinks is for the best. If all goes well then hallalujah. If we can't remember then we can work on that. We have eternity to get new memorys" katchiri said, Senna and the others agreed. Esme dissapeared from the room.

"Should i do it now" I asked. Zafrina stepped forwards. So that is a yes then. I placed my fingers on her temple and closed my eyes, Zafrina did too. I entered her mind. i slipped past most of her memorys. as soon as i reached to when we left the amazons i slipped a blackcurtain around the memorys and added a fake memorys in front of them. Unlike the real memorys these were going to be fuzzy so i  knew what was fake and what wasn't. After i did my work i slipped back from her mind. I quickly did this with the others then left to find Esme.

I found her in section 4. Throwing the weights infrustration. I also noted that she was crying tearlessly. She didn't look my way when i entered. I just watched her vent out her anger till she crashed to the floor and curled up into a ball, sobbing. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her. She lent into me. I started to rock her. Like a mother comforting a child. I knew thats almost how she felt. 

"You are strong Em. i'll try to make things easier but i can't promise. You are a diffrent person now. Im a diffrent person too." I said, stroked her hair.  "its only for two days. Then the consert. I've known you for the past 56 years. As long as im here to help im sure you'll be fine " We stayed like this for 4 hours before finally we exited the room and made our way to section 1. I was not looking forwards for tomorrow. I just hoped we were strong.

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