Black Time

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We made our way from the plan but strate into the sun. Next to me Esme almost paniced but i easily cast and illusion that we didn't sparkle. I had also created an illusion on all of us so we looked Human; Esme had a sun tan, green eyes and a red hair, I had the sametened skin, red hair and green eyes so we pasted as sisters, Zafrina's olive coloured skin went back darker, like the colour she had before she was changed, Waist lenth hair, but in braids, Kerchri and Senna was just the same. Ethan was just as he was before he was changed. They all had blue eyes and we all had our stunningly good looks. They all looked at one another before laughed and continuing down to the lugged retrival. Of course we had to steal some suite case's and some money (Much to Esme's disaproval). So far that money got us tickets, new clothes, probably a taxi when we get out and probably a place to stay for a week.

"Hey lisa. Why did you make our hair red?" Esme asked as we got to the Exit, dragging our (Stolen) suite cases behind.

"Its best if were not reconised. Not even by the humans. They could go by the cullens and think of us. Eddie would know" She huffed.

"Red of all colours. I wouldn't mind blond or black. But red. Oh come on" She whined. The others sniggered and she sent them a glare. I rolled my eyes and put my hand out for a cab. Just in time a cab soon turned up. I couldn't help feel uncomfateble with the staring so i got in the cab first. After the suit cases were in as the others the driver wanted to know where we were going.

"Err do you know a good but cheap motel or somthing? That would be lovley" I said, giving her a dazzling look. I felt discused though but it was the fastest way to get things we may need.

"Nice going" Ethen chimed in, too quietly for the human to hear.

"You will have to do this to get you way quicker. i hate doing it so button up" I hissed at him. he laughed but didn't say anthing. 

"here you go? Its cheap and good quality" the cab driver said.

"Oh thank you. What your name sir" 

"Err Bob" he said gruffly. I ignored the others sniggering and decided to to take out their sight. Insantly they stopped and glared in my direction.

"Ok Thank you Bob. Heres your money." I said handed hims some money and got out. The other filled out blindly. I quickly took the cases out the boot and the cab drove away.

"You know girls"  said but was cut off by ethan

"and guys"

"Yeah what you said. I personaly think you should not laugh at one of the most powerful vampires existing, while your gifts are renderd by my sheild. Think about that" I gave them back their sighed and walked into the motel.

 "Fine' Esme said and walking past me. I equaly matched her step. I could tell thaqt she was fighting a smile, she knew i was joking for some of it. "We would like to book a room for a...month please." Esme said to the Man at the desk. As soon as he looked up his mouth fell open and he stared at us.

"Hey hey no staring" Ethan said harshly, clipping his fingers in front of his face. The man jumped and sent a glare at him. Equally he sent a glare back but more anger, effectively scaring him. After stutteing out where we were stay and handded us our keys we made our way to our room, not that we would be sleeping there of course.

"Ok we can leave out stuff here. You know what i want to do?  Its compleately random and silly so i won't suggest it"  said folding my arms. I knew they would ask, intreaged even.

"What?" Zafrina said, leaning forwards in antisapation. I knew how to get them intrested quickly.

"Well theres a pottery barn nearby, and you can do some sculpting, designing and pot making. I don't know why but i want to go and try it out" I said, emmbarrsed. I waited for them to laugh but i never came.

"that does sound intresting" Katchri mused, tapping her chin thoughtfully. I wasn't quite sure wether or not she meant it. I knew Esme missed designing houses and things, i knew this was right up her street. Her eyes were bright with excitement. Ethan looked at me, unsure about my sanity. Senna and Zafrina looked thoughtful.

"I guess....we can...give it a try" Zafrina said unsure. Senna nodding along.

"YAY" I shot up and claped my hands together. "Ok, since it the morning still we can go. im sure it opens at 9am and closes at 10pm. but we all need to change into more suiteable clothing. We don't want to ruin them" i said and started to get changed. Soon the others followed suit into more suitable clothing; jeans, plain top and sneakers. Of course we all could pull this off and look fab.

Soon we arrived at the Pottery barn. It looked like an ordinary barn but i could smell the clay and stone already. There were only a few people there, A mother and daugher and a group of men in leather black jackets. I could instanly tell one of the men were gay. Behind me i could tell the others knew as well. I guess we had to ignore them.

"Okay. Lets get to work"

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