Black Time

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Me and Esme stayed with the amazon coven for oner fifty years. We had offially became part of their coven after 1 year. They had even started our diet so now their eyes were the same golden colour. Senna had also found a mate. That was thirty years ago now


Me and Senna raced though the trees. Our hair whipping back behind us. 

"Im going to win" i said using my strength. It was odd for me. My super streagnth as a new born had stayed, but it should have faded away years ago. Well i was one weired freak amongs freaks. I Jumped and landed on the back of an animal and drained it dry. Senna growled playfully and bent her knees and sprang at me. Out of the five of us me and Senna like to play fight alot. The others just sat and watched. Senna was probably the best fighter, then Zafrina and then Katchri. Senna had helped me learn to fight.

I sprang at ther and i wresled her to the ground, but then she kicked me in the stomched and i flew into a tree. I growled again. This when on for about ten minuets till we heard running foot steps. we stopped and listened. It only sounded like there was one person. Suddenly a small figure burst theough the trees. It was a boy, He had long black dreadlocks, olive colour tone to his pale skin and his eyes were a dull red colour. He looked around the age of nineteen.  He looked directly at me, then growled. We both followed suit. He looked at Senna and he relaxed. That was odd. I looked between them, then gasped. They were mates...or are going to be. 

"Whats you name?" i said. I felt Senna hide behinde me. Like a shy child. But she was taller then me so she ducked.

"Ethan" The vampire boy said, trying to look around me. His voice had an heavy british accent.

"Well Ethan. Im Bella. And this is Senna" I said and side stepped to the left. Senna stood still. it looked like she could have been blushing.

 "Senna" Ethan repeated and walked forwards so he was next to Senna. She giggled and looked at him. "Why are your eyes this colour. not red?" He asked confused. Senna sent a look at me. i nodded in encouragement. She smiled then turned back to Ethan.

"Me and my coven drink animal blood Insted of human." I backed away slowly. Not wanted to ruin the moment.

 "Really. Cool. Can you teach me how to hunt animals. i hate killing humans" He said in surprise. I continued to walk back then broke into a run, back to camp

*End of flashback*

Lots of things had changed since then. Our clothes from when we first arrived had been ripped and diirted days later so me and Esme had to wear animal skins like the others. i wore mine like a beckini top and a small skirt and Esme wore hers like a small vest  and shorts. Ethan could see people's gifts. They was why he growled at me when he first saw me. To him i was a threat. Of course i didn't know what he ment untill he told me.


As soon as I got back to camp the others demaned where Senna was.

"She's with Ethan. A vampre we had just met. Im gueessing their mates from the look in their eyes" Zafrina and Katchri squeled but i held them back. "Best if you don't distub them. you wouldn't want to lose you immortal life would you?" They shook their heads. We all sat down. Waitng fot them to arrive.Finaly after what seemed like half an hour they arrived. Zafrina and Katchri were the first to meet them.

"Hello Im Zafrina" Ethen studied Zafrina for a moment then nodded.

"Hello" He smiled. 

"Im Katchri, nice to meet you" Ethan smiled and shook Katchri's hand. He looked at me then at Esme.

"Ethan this is Esme." I said. His eyes lingered over the faded scars on her ,arms, neck, wrist, and the others. "She was ripped up once" Esme winced. Ethan nodded then looked at me.

"My know my talent is that i can see a vampires talent"  Every one looked at me now. " Do you know what your gift is?" He asked, and put one arm around Senna's waist. 

"Im a shield" I was sure of it. i couldn't do a physical sheild let but i was still working on that.

"Your not just that. You can abdorb, give away and enchant talents" My mouth fell open. 

"What?" Everyone else looked dumstucked at me

*End of flashback*

Zafrina was eager to help me with my other talents. She made me absorb her talent and i could enchant it so it could cover the rest of the sence (Sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste). i also tested my giving of gifts, that was odd too. I had to give a drop of my venom and have the 'gunipig' test it. It worked But i wasn't very comforable with it at first. Esme now could take gifts and enchant them, but she couldn't give them away. Esme also trained with me. She had taken my shield but to her it was diffrent, She doesn't repel peoples gift, the shield, insted of being absorbed into the fabric of the sheild it bounses off, almost physical to stop them but wasn't strong enough yet. We needed more time to do that. But we had plently of time, and didn't need to worry. After three years we had finally persuaded the rest of our coven to leave the amazon forest for a bit. So now i was sitting on a plane to america. it had been years. I knew Charlie had passed away by now, and billy. i wasn't sure about jacob though. I did cry a little then. But now i had to go on. I had Zafrina, Ethan, Katchri, Senna and Esme. With out them i would be nothing. I didn't need tthe pther cullens. Had changed her name from Esme Cullen to Emily Swan. Of cource we still called her Esme. I had also changed my from Bella to Lisa Swan but everyone still called me Bella. When we were out in public we called each other Emily or Lisa, You never know who can hear. Well Accturly everyone took the last name Swan.  so now we were the Swan's. The coven from Amazon. Dur dur durrrr.

"Lisa were almost here" Esme said, breaking me out frm my thoughts. I nodded and closed the window from the early morning sun. i didn't feel like exsposing our kind to day.

 "Ok, Thanks" i leant back. Behind mine and Esme seats, Zafrina and Senna were bickering over something. That was amusing. They had never flown before and their faces were priceless when we had taken off last night. I laughed at the memory. Finaly the plane hit Anerican ground. Look out, the Swans are back. bigger than before.

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