{Chapter 1} 4 : 07

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Rose's POV

"The Secret Society of Superheroes Club is now in session." My partner in crime says. I sit next to him at the head of a table of other superheroes like myself. "It is the purpose of this club to fight injustice, to right all that which is wrong, and to preserve the truth, justice and peace in the halls of McKinley High." I state. "First order of business-" I cut in, " Roll call." "Go!"

"Asian Persuasion here. My superpower is being the mistress of manipulation."
"Blond Chameleon here. My superpower is I can impersonate anybody. George W. Bush, heh."
"Tarantula Head here. My superpower is lashing you with my dreads."
"Sweet 'n' Spicy here. My superpower is money."

"Second order of business-" I continue, "inducting new members into our ever-swelling ranks." " Candidates, come forth." My partner says. "Excited to be here, Blaine. Rose." Artie says and my face drops. "First of all, there are no civilian titles in here, okay? I am Night Bird the Nocturnal Avenger." Night Bird replies. "And I am Hyper Shadow the Sovereign of Darkness." I announce. "And second of all, I really hope you're not trying to pass of as a certain telepathic leader of a certain group of superhuman mutants because that would be a copyright violation." Night Bird finishes while I nod in agreement.

"Uh, I'm Dr. Why and my superpower is wheelies?" Artie -or should I say Dr Why- answers, but as more of a question. "Welcome, Dr. Why. Next." Night Bird nods him off. "I'm Queen Bee and I can sting like a bitch." She finishes by buzzing. I smile. "Welcome, Queen Bee. Next." I say and look at the next person. "I'm the Human Brain."

Both Night Bird and I look confused as we say in unison, "Welcome, Human Brain." His phone goes off. "What's this? A text just came through on my 'NightPhone'." I glance over his shoulder to see a text from Asian Persuasion saying, 'Have you talked to Kurt?' I sigh, feeling the hurt that must be going through Bla- I mean Night Bird.

"I already told you, Asian Persuasion, this account is only supposed to be used for emergencies, and you cannot use your powers of manipulation to coax me into getting back with my ex, so stop trying."

A girl comes running in; I recognize her as 'Chai Tea'. "What is it, Chai Tea?" I ask while Night Bird and I rise from our seats. "Emergency in the choir room." She says. "To the choir room." Night Bird orders.

We all rush to the choir room. "Someone took your Nationals trophy and left that laptop in its place." She speaks, alarmed. "Who leaves a laptop?" Dr. Why asks. "Someone rich, someone who wanted to send us a message. I got this." I answer and press the play button.

A distorted voice rings out. It comes from a boy wearing a Dalton blazer with a blurred face sitting in a chair holding our trophy. "Greetings, New Directions. You have been living as National Champions on borrowed time, and that ends now. We have your trophy." The stranger says. I roll my eyes. "Obviously." I whisper loud enough for Night Bird to hear. He nudges my arm. "Soon we'll have your title as well. The great reckoning is at hand- Sectionals. Your move."

And the screen goes black.

Hey! I know this was really short. I just wanted to update as fast as I could. I hope your enjoying the story so far and I will try to update again tomorrow.


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