{Chapter 36} 4 : 18

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Rose's POV

We finally make it outside and I see Tina standing with my brother. "Josh!" I yell and he starts to jog towards me. I meet him halfway and wrap him in a tight hug. "Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried when I didn't see you and Tina told me you were in the Glee Club room. I couldn't lose my baby sister." He kisses the top of my head in a comforting way. I don't say anything, just wanting to keep everything on a good note. 

Hunter walks up next to us with Tina. Josh turns to him. "Thank you." He says gratefully. I see Hunter nod out of the corner of my eye. "I would never let anything happen to her." He responds and I smile to myself. "Rose!" I hear feet run up to our group. "Dad." I let out a breath of relief. My dad is a police officer in Lima. "I'm so glad you're both okay." He hugs us. Everyone is okay, thank God. But who brought the gun.


Hunter, Jake, Marley and I stand at the front of the crowd in the hallway. Police are going through everyone's lockers to make sure there isn't anymore guns or weapons. "This is insane." I state. They turn to me. "They want to make sure we're safe." Marley tells me. "I know, but really? Searching locker after locker, student after student? And all they've found are watches, hair spray, and school supplies. They should be going a more in-depth check of offices and classrooms." I respond, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Offices?" Jake asks. "What if it was a teacher's and a student got a hold of it. The safety could have been off and it went off those two times." I clarify my previous statement. "Why a student?" Marley wonders. "Could have been a freshman." Hunter supports my reasoning. "Yeah." I agree. "How many times has a teacher caught a student ravaging their desk?" I question. "That's true." Jake comments.


I sit in my room at my desk with my song-writing notebook open. "Honey, Hunter's here." I hear my mom yell from downstairs, followed my footsteps in the hallway. My door opens. "Hey, beautiful." Hunter greets me. "Hey." I lean up and kiss him when he gets over to me. "What'cha working on?" He asks looking over my shoulder. "Just finishing a song I was working on." I tell him. He nods. "I Have Questions? What's it about?" He inquires and I look up. "Well, I started writing it after the whole steroid situation. I needed to get my feelings out on paper, rather than ranting to someone about it." I answer.

He reads some of the lyrics. "Is it about me?" He questions quietly. I laugh and nod my head. "Yeah, it is." I respond looking at him. "It's incredible. You have to sing it." He insists. "Fine. I'll sing it at Glee Club tomorrow." I agree. "I have to wait until tomorrow?" He groans falling on the bed. "Patience is a virtue." I smile and get up. I lay on top of him and kiss him before laying my head on his chest. "I don't think you understand how much I love you." He breaks the silence. "I know. I love you, too." I smile and close my eyes before drifting off to sleep.


I'm sitting at the piano in Glee Club ready to perform my song as promised. "So, you're probably wondering why Rose is sitting at the piano when we have no theme this week." Mr. Shue guesses and everyone mumbles in agreement. "Well, Rose said she would like to perform a song for you all. I'll let you take over from here." He nods his head to me. "Thank you, Mr. Shue." I feel my face start to get hot as everyone looks at me. "Um, when I said I wrote songs last week, I wasn't lying. Um, this is one that I started writing a little bit ago and I finished it last night. It's called I Have Questions." I announce nervously. I don't know if they'll like it. I nod to the violinist and we begin to play together, me on the piano.

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