{Chapter 13} 4 : 08

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Rose's POV

We make it back to the choir room. Everyone is talking and it's probably not making anything better for Marley, "Give her some room! She needs space! Breathe, girl, breathe!" Unique. "Does anyone have anything she can eat?" Kitty. "I have some left over Halloween candy in my locker." Tina. "I may have a juice box." Blaine. "I'll go get Marley's mom." Joe. "This is bad. Never in the history of show choir competitions has anyone ever fainted." Artie.

Blaine come back with the juice box. "We got the juice. We got the juice." Sam says jogging over. "No, I'm okay." Marley states. "Drink the damn juice." Kitty orders and I nudge her. "Marley? Marley, are you okay? What happened?" Finn asks.

"She hasn't been eating. She's been skipping lunch." Jake answers. "Is it because you've been telling her to? You trying to turn her into a damn rexy?" Santana turns to Kitty. "What? No. Why would I... why would I want that?" Kitty replied nervously. "Because you're a crazy, evil bitch." Santana shoots back. " Santana!" I yell.

"Hey, Marley, you alright?" Mr. Shue interrupts while running in. "The nurse is on the way, Mr. Shue." Finn tells him. "Santana, Puck, you stay here with Marley. The rest of you guys, get back up there. Leaving the stage for so long after the numbers, for any reason, is risking immediate disqualification." Mr. Shue informs and some of us turn to leave.

"What? That- that's a rule?" Finn inquires. "Yeah, it's a rule." Sue says walking in. "One of the bylaws, actually. As all of you were spiraling into a self-created K-hole of crazy, the judges, by unanimous vote, have declared the Warblers victorious. Hey, congratulations, Finn Hudson. For the first time in its charmed, her pitiful existence, the New Directions has lost Sectionals. But here's the good news. Christmas came early for one Sue Sylvester." Sue walks out and Marley starts crying.

"Marley, it's okay it's not your fault." I say while hugging her. "Yeah, actually. It is." Tina cuts in. This pisses me off. "You know what Tina?" I ask breaking away from me and Marley's hug. "You can go shove your head up your God damn ass. You think that just because you're a senior now that you can be a bitch? That doesn't roll with me." I start walking towards her. "You need to learn to chill the fu-"

"Alright, that's enough." Sam says as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me away from Tina. "No! Let me at her!" I yell fighting against Sam's hold. Tina glares at me, then walks away. Sam pulls me over to a chair next to Marley, and sits me down.

Everyone calms down and clears out. I walk out as well and to the main doors where my parents are waiting for me. I also see Tina waiting there. I meet with my parents and tell them I need to do something first.

"Hey, Tina. Can I talk to you?" I question after walking over to her. "Whatever." She responds. We walk over to an empty spot along the wall over lockers. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't really mean to call you a bitch. It's just that I hate when people blame others for something that happened." I confess.

"It's okay. I know i really shouldn't have said that." Tina replied smiling slightly. "So were good?" I inquire. "Yeah." She answers and pulls me into a hug. "I'll see you next week, bye." I leave and walk back over to my family.

We drive back to the house and everyone gets changed into something more comfortable. After we get changed, we all decide on a movie. The doorbell rings and interrupts us from continuing. "I'll get it." I announce walking over to the door.

I open it and there stands Hunter. "Hey. What's up?" I say in a low voice hoping my family won't hear me. "Do you want to go out? Like with me right now?" He asks. I give him a look. "Now? I look awful, and besides-" He cuts me off.

"You look beautiful. And yes, right now." He smiles at me. "Uh, sure. Let me tell my family quick." He nods and I close the door. "Mom, Dad? I'm going out with one of my friends." They look over at me. "Who is it?" My Dad questions. "Uh... his name is Hunter. He's the one who just moved in down the street." I comment nervously.

"Would we have seen him anywhere?" My Mom wonders aloud. "Well, he was the one that did the backflip during the competition." I respond. "Oh, him? He's cute. I'm fine with it." My Mom answers turning back to the T.V. "Well, be careful. And text me us if you stay out." My Dad speaks. I thank them and turn around, walking away. "No funny business." He warns.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I laugh. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket. I open the door again and Hunter is still standing there. He's wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie with black vans. "What are you, a ninja?" I remark laughing to myself.

"Haha, very funny." He grabs my hand and pulls me over to the car. He opens the door and closes it after I get it, then runs to the other side. "Where are we going? I inquire. "It's a surprise." He replies. "I hate surprises." I groan. He laughs. He laugh is amazing.

I think I'm in love.

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