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Prepare for a long chapter ❤️

A moment of relief floods my body knowing I'm back with my car. Next part is finding a decent apartment. But before that, food.

I drive around until I find a restaurant, it's a burrito restaurant, it'll have to do.

I go inside and wait in line to order. While I'm waiting I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and see I got a message from the owner of an apartment block. There's a suite available.

I silently cheer in excitement. Then I see another message pop up, Brian.

'hey Aryana, would you wanna hang out tomorrow?'

I look up from my phone and move up in the line. I quickly type a response.

'Miss me already Brian? For sure'

I smile and put my phone in pocket and take out my wallet.
I order my food and it's immediately done. I sit down and take out my phone since I felt it buzz again while I was in line.

'Never. Come to my house anytime after 12'

'So can I come at 1am?'

'🤦‍♂️ no. 1pm.'

'Haha:p I'll be there'

During that texting conversation, I didn't notice a man walked up to my table. I look up and it's Brandon.

"Hello, Aryana." He says smiling.

"Hey." I reply while smiling at him.

"So what are you doing here? I thought you were with Brian?" He asks me.

"I had to go do stuff, but Brian and I are gonna hang out tomorrow" I inform Brandon. All of a sudden his eyes light up as if he had the best idea ever.

"Hey, you can meet my girlfriend Jackie!" He exclaims excitedly.

"Uh, ya okay sounds fun." I say while smiling at him.

"Okay well I have to go, see you tomorrow," he says as he leaves with a bunch of other guys.

The man told me I could go see the apartment whenever so I'm gonna go today. Maybe Brian and Brandon can help me furnish the place a bit.

Just as I was about to leave I felt my phone vibrate. It's a text from Brian.

'hey change of plans, come to this location.'
It reads with an image attached to it showing the location.

•skipping the rest of the day cuz i wanna get to this next part and i want this chapter out asap 😂❤️•

Brian told me there was gonna be one other guy who was his cousin. He still hasn't told me what we're doing. The whole drive there I was trying to think of what could it be but I couldn't make sense as to why we're coming here.

I get to the place and I see Brian's car along with two guys standing outside recording. I quietly get out of my car and walk up to them.

"Hey Aryana!" Brian says as he puts his camera down.

"Brian, what is this?" I ask him. The two boys look at each other then back to me.

"First things first, Aryana, this is Anthony, Anthony this is Aryana." I smile at Anthony and wave.

"So tell me what are we doing here." I ask again.

"So um, remember how I told you about that haunted tunnel? Well..." No he didn't, did he actually take me here.

"Brian! You passed out from coming here with that other guy!" I exclaim at him angrily.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Anthony says. I glare at both of them.

"So are we exploring or what?" I ask still confused as to what we're doing exactly.

"Well um.. we're gonna spend the night here." Brian says while scratching the back of his neck.

"Brian!" I yell again this time pushing his shoulder a bit.

"Hey, stay with either me or Anthony and you'll be fine." Brian says like it's nothing.

"Where am I supposed to sleep? Where are any of us gonna sleep?" I ask again stalling time so we don't have to go down there.

"Stop stalling, lets go." Brian says while him and Anthony begin down the trail. I take a minute to think this through. Screw it. I quickly run and grab onto somebody's arm.

"Aryana, you'll be fine, we've been here tons of times." Brian tells me thinking it'll make me feel better. I also realized he's ahead more so I'm held onto Anthony's arm.

"Brian!?" I call out. No response. My heart drops.

"Brian, this isn't funny bro!" Anthony yells while pulling me closer to him.

"BOO!" Just then Brian jumps out from behind a tree, I scream and so does Anthony.

"BRIAN!" I yell at him while hitting his arm which seemed to do nothing to him.

"You're such an asshole." Anthony says while shaking his head. Brian goes to hug his friend but he pushes him away.
"Fuck off, Brian." He says annoyed.

And again I jump and almost scream because I hear something move behind us. I quickly coward behind the two boys.

"What the hell was that?" Brian says while shaking.

Not knowing what's behind me, or below me, I take another step back and feel nothing but air as I fall, probably to my death. I scream again as I fall.

"Aryana!" Both boys yell. I feel myself hit the ground, not hard but enough to cause pain in my back. I also feel water soaking through my clothes.

I turn to the right and see a doll on the ground, I shoot up while screaming, again, and run towards Anthony and Brian. We all look at the doll confused as ever.

"Yo, we better get the fuck out of here bro." Anthony says to Brian still staring at the mysterious doll.

"Okay, fuck this, lets go." Brian says. As we're about to turn around we hear a loud noise coming from the tunnel.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I don't know, let's leave." Brian says dragging me up the trail.

Just as I thought this night couldn't get any worse, it did. An old man comes out of nowhere holding a rifle. All of us quickly avoid the shot that was taken by the man. He tried to kill one of us.

"RUN!" Anthony screams. All of us stand up and book it for our cars. I quickly get in my i8 and start it up, and just as I thought again that this night couldn't go any worse, it did! The old man is standing in from of my car holding his rifle straight at me.

Everything feels like it's in slow motion, I think, there's no escaping this without one of us getting hurt; and it wasn't going to be me. Fast motion again as I slam on the pedal making my tires spin as the try to accelerate. Then slow motion again as I hit the old man, or at least I thought I did, just before I hit him; he disappeared.

(A/N idk why but I was terrified while writing this 😭😂😂 haha anyways here's your chapter people, it's been requested and I tried my hardest to get this out asap. Hopefully the others will be out soon.)

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