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Hmm, Molly Eskam.
Yeah so what I looked her up. Is that creepy?

I'm currently painting a wall while listening to music because Brian and Molly won't stop talking and it's annoying. They're probably dating, I wouldn't be surprised if they were. She's beautiful, nice body, everything a guy could want.

She won't stop laughing, non-stop laughter. It's been quiet for a few minutes, if she laughs again I'm kicking them out.
And there it was, she laughs AGAIN.

"Hey guys, I'm getting tired. Brian we can continue tomorrow, or whenever you're free." I say not looking at Molly.

"Yeah okay sure, let me just clean up." I nod my head and turn around to clean up my mess, i also heard the door open then close, I guess they left.

I stand up and turn around and to my surprise Brian is still there, unaware he was there I ended up getting scared which lead to me jumping and dropping a few things.

"God, Brian you scared me." I say shaking my head then picking up the brushes that I dropped.

"What? How? I was just standing here?" He says with amusement laced in his voice.

"I thought you left with her." I say with little to no expression.

"I said I was gonna help clean up, it wasn't gonna take three seconds to do." He says while grinning. I roll my eyes while trying to hold back smiling because I honestly wasn't in the mood.

"So... unless you plan on sleeping on the floor, where are you going to sleep?" He asks me, he knew something was up hence why he stayed because cleaning up literally only took three seconds because there was nowhere to put anything.

"I... don't know." I say with a pause and then a sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, I can tell he's looking directly at me but I avoid his eyes.

"Nothing, I just-"

"Wanted Molly to leave? It's okay, she can become a bit loud at times." He interrupts me and I guess finishes my sentence, even though I was gonna lie.

"Uh, yeah.." I say awkwardly.

"Real talk though, where are you gonna find a mall that is open for you to buy a bed?" He asks again, I sigh.

"You know, the floor was pretty comfy earlier." I say jokingly referring to earlier when Brian walked in to find me laying on the floor.

He laughs. "Come on, stay at my place until you get your room figured out." He says while walking out the door leaving me no time to object, or even answer.

I turn off all the lights and lock the door. I begin to walk past Brian's car until he rolled down the window.

"I'll text you the address."

I get in my car and wait for the text which I received within 30 seconds. I put the address into 'Maps' on my phone and start driving to his house.

I start thinking and I'll admit I was jealous of Molly, but will I admit that to Brian? Of course not.

I get to his house and look at the mansion as if I just saw it for the first time.

"My mom and dad are still wanting to meet you by the way." He says to me before we walk inside, which was a bit nerve racking to be honest; meeting his parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home." Brian yells out.

No answer.

"Oh, I guess they're either asleep or not home.." he says, what a relief.

We go to the living room, as we walk there instant memories of Anthony and I... doing it. I avoid those memories and think of right now; I'm here, with Brian, alone. Well maybe not alone because there's a chance his parents are sleeping but for now, we're alone.

"Want anything? Food or drink?" He asks me. I shake my head no without saying anything.
He shrugs and sits down on the couch, I followed except I sit a little further away, like opposite side of the couch.
He gives me a look of 'really?'.

"What?" I ask him, I'm genuinely confused.

"You don't have to sit that far, unless I smell bad then that's acceptable, but I know I don't smell bad." He says with a grin, I just roll my eyes with a sigh and stand up to go sit closer to him.

I sat down and he puts his arm behind me on the couch. After about two minutes he stands up quickly. "One second" he says.
I hear him run upstairs, he didn't come down for a sold minute and when he did I could hear him running still. After another minute he comes back holding a blanket, just one, nothing else. He also turns off all the lights before joining me back on the couch, this time he sat even closer to me.

My stomach starts going crazy with butterflies. I'm not sure what to do. He put his arm on me this time, around my shoulders, he then pulls me closer and I lean into him resting my head on his shoulder. It felt so natural. He grabbed the blanket and put it over us, as he pulled it around us I put my arm along his body holding his side where's his ribs are.

He had the TV on but I wasn't too sure what was on because I was too busy taking in the moment and breathing in his nice, soothing scent. I was gonna make this a night to remember.
End of chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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