Chapter 6

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When my injuries healed, I spent more and more time with the horses. I asked Dad what he thought about continuing with bulls but he told me to work with bucking horses first and work my way up to bulls.

I started pulling away from my family without realizing it. Blake came over almost everyday. When he was here he was in the opposite field with the bulls and my brothers. I can catch him watching me and holding his glance a little longer than needed. 

I try to avoid him when I can. If I see him walking my way out of the corner of my eye I will walk into the barn or ride off in a different direction.

I was in the barn getting ready for this years fair I heard footsteps closing in on the barn door. I jumped into my horses pen and climbed the secret ladder I kept in there to the loft. I crouched in the front of the loft and watched my brothers sneak in the room.

I heard them whispering about messing with my stuff for the fair. Last year, I took their horse brushes and soaked the brush part in blue paint

An idea came to me. My brothers can get scared easily so if I drop stuff on them, they will surely freak out.

When Axel came at the end of the line below me, I picked up a pile of mud and dropped it on his head. While he was distracted I grabbed a can of blood red paint and started dripping it through the cracks on the others.

They all started screaming so I dropped down behind them after smearing the paint on my arms and face.

"He is coming to get you. Run now." I whispered when they turned around. I pretended to pass out and they all crowded around me.

"BOO!!" I opened my eyes and yelled. They screamed even more. Which made me start laughing

I heard laughter behind the boys. Everyone turned around to see Blake standing by the door with Dad.

The boys stood up and started grumbling as they walked back out of the barn to wash the paint out of their hair.

I stood up and walked over to the barn door after grabbing a towel.

"You always seem to come up with ways to prank them don't you." My dad smiled.

"I will always best them. Somehow." They laughed. Dad went in the house to check on the boys and order supper leaving me and Blake.

I went to the hose and got the towel wet and started rubbing at the paint. By the time I turned back around, Blake was gone. After I got the paint off I groomed my horses.


We made it to the fair and only my father knows about what I am doing tonight. I walked to the horse trailer and got out my beauty. Midnight had a red bridle on to match my red plaid shirt. I had a black hat to match her coat. My jeans had sparkles on the pockets and my boots had been shined last night. 

I took a minute to make sure her saddle was tightened and pulled myself on her saddle. I glanced over and saw the boys getting ready.

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