Chapter 1

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I could remember it like it was yesterday. I thought I was going to wake up like any normal day, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

It was a Tuesday morning, when I opened my eyes, I was dressed in a white, knee length, flowing gown with jeans under it. I found it really unusual considering I would not wear this to bed and I didn't even own this sort of dress. But like the ignorant fool I was, I shrugged it off.

I looked up at my surroundings and everything was like I remembered it. I was in the comfortably sized bedroom that my fiancé and I shared. He wasn't in bed with me but that was normal because he usually left for work before I got up. I then headed to the bathroom to go and get ready for work. I looked at the clock, I was cutting it close. If there was one thing I hated, it was being late. I strived to be on time or early for everything. Devlin, my fiancé never understood and was constantly tardy. That annoyed me to no end.

After brushing my teeth I went to my closet to pick out my work clothes. I usually did that the night before, but Devlin and I were finalizing our wedding plans. Let me correct that, I was busy finalizing our wedding plans while he was half asleep. Whenever I asked his opinion about something he would mutter yes. To see if he was actually listening I asked if I could leave him at the altar. He muttered yes once again. He was really despicable sometimes, but that was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He was funny, smart, honest, hardworking and kind. I loved and adored him with all of my heart.

I carried my clothes with me in the bathroom. I then remembered that I needed to charge my phone. It was always losing battery, but I couldn't afford to buy another one at the time. I went to the nightstand to go and get it, but what I saw rendered me frozen.

My body was on the bed, completely still. That couldn't be possible, I was freely moving around, but somehow I wasn't. I started freaking out. I screamed at the top of my lungs and paced around the room. It must have been an illusion or the stress of the wedding getting to my head. Either that or I was finally going mad.

Right on cue a man appeared out of thin air in front of me. "No Lilianna you are not going mad." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"What the!" I shrieked, astonished by the man who just appeared in my room. "I don't know who you are, but you need to get out of my house!" I yelled. I didn't know how to handle that situation, it was not every day a stranger just bippity boppity boos in your bedroom.

"I am afraid I can't leave."The strange man said slowly.

What was wrong with him? I told him to leave, but he wouldn't. I liked to use my words in most situations, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I grabbed the solid wooden bat I always kept under my bed and attempted to hit the guy with it.

I stuck him right in his area. The man keeled over and disappeared again. I felt the bat being tugged out of my hand. The little criminal got it in his hands and flung into a wall. I was gaped at him. I didn't know how he got behind me so quickly.

Still shocked at his inhuman speed I screamed, "What the hell is this? What is going on?!"

"Well if you let me get in a word, then I could explain everything." He said calmly as if all of my yelling was not effecting him at all.

"Let you get in a word." I scoffed. "You do realize that you literally appeared out nowhere and now you are asking to get a word in. You need to get out of my house NOW!"

He sighed, "You see what is happening around you, seeing your own body, items going through me, I am here to explain all of that."

I didn't trust him one bit, but I had no explanation for all of the weird things happening around "What is going on then?" I questioned him.

"There is no other way to say this, but you passed away in your sleep last night." He said in such a calm tone one wouldn't think he was delivering the news of my own death.

"You are just joking right?" I asked, feeling like someone struck me in stomach. I wanted him to be kidding, but some part of me believed him. My body was still on the bed, what else could explain that?

"I am afraid so, it was your time to go." He said sympathetically.

My eyes started to well up. "I am dead, that can't be. That is not right. Devlin and I were supposed to be married next month. This is not happening. It is just a dream. It is just a dream. Please tell it is just a dream!" Tears started streaming down my face and I wanted it all to be over, except it in a way, it already was.

When I was crying my eyes out, the strange man made no effort to comfort me. He sat down on my bed and stared at me with obvious pity in his eyes.

"I know this is hard, but we have to go." He said

My head throbbed and my eyes were puffy from weeping. "In what world do you think I will go with you?!" I screamed.

"It is really important, please come with me," He begged.

I sniffled, "I don't know you. I don't trust you. I am not going anywhere with you."

"To make you feel better, you can ask all the questions you want," He offered.

I soaked my dress with the fresh tears that feel from my face. "What I would like to know is what are you?"

"My name is Gabriel and I am your guiding angel. Its my duty make sure you pass over to either Heaven or Hell, so you can you please come with me?"

"Give me proof," I demanded.

"Proof of what?" He asked.

"That you are an angel!" I yelled, my patience wearing thinner by the second.

"Look into my eyes," he said.

Gold spirals danced in his brown eyes."That's not normal, now is it?" He asked with a confident smirk spreading across his face.

I was not quite sure about the guy, but some part of me thought I should go with him. If all he said was true, that means that I have nothing to lose. I was dead, my life on earth was finished. I was going to be just fine, I thought trying to convince myself.

"If you decide to go, hold on to my hand."

I did and I'd never be the same again.

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