Chapter 26

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"But you can't transport between realms. You are not a high angel or someone with a special gift." Gabriel pointed out.

I shrugged, "You don't know what my special powers actually are. I don't think it would hurt to try. Don't you agree? If I actually could transport between all the different realms, it may come in handy sometime."

He smiled, "Very true. That makes a lot of sense actually. Do you know what to do?"

I patted his back, "Don't worry angel boy, I got you."

He chuckled lightly, "Oddly your reassurance isn't very comforting."

I rolled my eyes and snatched his cold hand. I shut my eyes to envision the city where the castle was located. I kept that image in my mind, focusing only on that. It was difficult, but my determination to complete my quest so I could search for Atticus helped me maintain concentration.

I channeled all of my energy on visualizing that one place. I focused so much my mind felt strained and my head began to ache. If that was what Gabriel had to endure every time he transported then I had a new appreciation for him. It felt like a boulder was slammed against my head repeatedly. My ears developed a buzzing sensation, making my pounding head worse.

I couldn't take it anymore but just as I was about to give up, I felt spinning. I opened my eyes in order to make sure that it wasn't a trick my mind was playing on me. It certainly wasn't. The once lovely beach became a green and blue blur. I squealed out of excitement. I couldn't believe that I actually was transporting us. On that moment I realized that there were so many things that I could do with my powers. I had yet to discover them all.

The spinning stopped abruptly and my body jolted forward. My face was about to kiss the ground but Gabriel grabbed my hand before that could happen. I looked around to see where we ended up. We transported that was for sure. However, I wasn't quite sure where.

My eyes were greeted by the atheistically pleasing sight of trees with golden branches and white leaves. It was the same forest we trekked through before we got the city. I could see the tower gates from where I stood, so we weren't too far.

My mouth dropped open out of shock. "I actually did it."

Gabriel high fived me, "Yes you did. Don't worry, I am just as shocked as you are. I didn't think you actually could transport between realms."

I shrugged, "I guess I need to believe in myself more."

He smiled, "When you do amazing things happen."

"We need to get into the castle," I said

"How do you suggest we do that?" He asked.

"We go the front door and demand for Celeste to see us or she will be sorry," I answered with a smirk.

He shivered, "You scare me at times."

My smirk grew bigger and I winked at him, "Good."

We started our journey to the castle. The forest was just as mystical as I remembered it being. I worried about what Celeste may do to us when we approached her. She was unpredictable which made her very dangerous. Hopefully, the possibility of two gods being hot on her trail would be enough for her to give up the cup. The one thing I knew was that she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Soon enough we arrived at the gates of the castle. Guards swarmed the perimeter. I didn't want them to see us yet so Gabriel and hid behind a tree.

"What are we going to do?" Gabriel whispered.

"Our original plan of course," I answered.

He gulped, "What if this doesn't work out? Do we have a plan b?"

I smiled brightly, "If she doesn't give it to us then we take it. How about that for plan b?"

Gabriel had a troubled expression on his face. "I have the gut feeling that this won't go down well. A word of caution, be prepared for the worst."

I worried for that as well but I maintained my composure. "I am prepared. The question is, are you?"

His hands found mine as he looked deep into my eyes. "Of course I am. We are this together no matter what happens. I'll always have your back. Don't forget that."

I smiled, "That's good to know. You ready to move in?"

His grip on my hand tightened, "Let's go. Remember to keep calm."

We emerged from our hiding space and strolled towards the nearest person guarding the castle. It was a man. He was incredibly tall. He had a gruff look to him due to all the black facial hair almost fully covering his face.

I cleared my throat, "Good day sir. I was wondering if I would be able to have a word with high angel Celeste."

"What is your business with her?" He asked with the rough voice.

"We are people from the north. We have traveled all the way here to discuss issues we have over there. Our needs aren't being addressed." I answered.

"Really now? Who is he?" The guard asked looking at Gabriel.

I pulled him closer to me, "Oh, this is my husband Bill. It such a treacherous ride through the forest. It would be difficult to do it alone."

For a split second, Gabriel's eyes flew wide open, but he quickly returned them to normal. I hoped the man didn't notice.

The guard nodded, "Okay, I will get someone to escort you to her."

I smiled brightly, "Thank you so much, sir."

In less than a minute, there was another guard to lead us through the castle. I was satisfied on how our quest to get the cup from Celeste was going, but the hard part wasn't over yet.

We didn't walk for very long until the guard stopped at a room door.

"This is here. Open it and who you requested for should be waiting for you." She said.

"Thank you," I muttered.

I turned the doorknob expecting to find Celeste waiting for us. In that room, somebody was there and certainly wasn't Celeste.

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