Chapter 22

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I furrowed my eyebrows, "Worst nightmare? What do you mean by that?"

The little light that I saw in the woman's eyes quickly diminished, like water tossed on a flame. "Welcome to Limbo where there is one way in and no way out." She said in an unenthusiastic voice.

I groaned out loud. This can't be happening right now, I thought. It was turning out to be the most horrible day ever. First the cup was wrenched from me and then I ended up in Limbo? The universe really had it out for me.

Gabriel sighed, "Is there really no way out?"

Daiyu pressed her lips into a thin line. "Sorry, I have been here for about forever. There is no getting out of here."

"Ah boy" I muttered under my breath.

"Are we the only ones here?" Atticus asked the saddened woman.

She smiled a bit, but her eyes remained dull. "It was just me before you all came. At least I have some other people who I can dwell in misery with."

Atticus scoffed, "This is some welcome."

Daiyu glared at him. "Listen I haven't had contact with a soul in three hundred years. Cut me some slack! Have you ever been by yourself for that long?! It will drive you insane! You need to shut the hell up and keep your smart remarks to yourself!" She screamed at him.

Large bulky blue veins bulged on her forehead. Her irises had streaks of fiery red in them. She rubbed her temples and sucked in a gulp air.

I couldn't help but stare in total disbelief at the seemly quiet woman. I did not expect her to have an explosive outburst over such a tiny comment.

Gabriel found a spot to focus on the ground. Atticus eyes roamed everywhere but did not dare to catch Daiyu's gaze. A pin drop could be heard in the rrom.

Daiyu cleared her throat. "I am so sorry about that. I have an extremely short temper." She said in a meek voice.

I continued to gape at her. "Okay." I hurried to respond, slightly scared that something else would rile her up.

Gabriel raised up his hand like a little boy terrified to say something wrong in class. "I have an idea to get us out of here." He said shyly.

I snapped out of my state of shock and broke out into a huge grin. "Well, what is it?" I asked, full of excitement.

"We can make a power pit." he replied.

Out of nowhere Daiyu laughed loudly filling the vacant room with booming sound. "Why didn't I think about that before?" She cried out.

"Uh, what is a power pit?" Atticus and I chorused. We looked at each other and giggled lightly.

"Oh, that is when three or more spirits put together their powers to create an explosion of some sort. Hopefully, it would be big enough to blast us out of here." Gabriel answered.

"So we are basically destroying a realm?" I asked crinkling my features in confusion.

"No, we don't have enough power to do that. However, we can cause a tear in the realm which would allow us to get out in a short window time before the realm heals itself," he replied.

"Okay," I said slowly. "Remind me for a second, why are we helping a complete stranger get out?"

I had no qualms about aiding someone but what if she was actually in Limbo for something serious. We didn't know anything about her except her name and that she was possibly mentally unstable.

"Yeah, good question. Why are you here?" Atticus asked.

Daiyu glared at him with nothing but pure annoyance. Her eyes turned a haunting red. I couldn't even see her pupils anymore.

Atticus leaped behind me and grasped my shoulders using me as some sort of spirit shield.

"So you are a demon," Gabriel stated in a matter of fact tone.

She boomed in laughter. "I was not just any demon. I was a high ranking one, right under the Devil himself."

Atticus peaked from behind me. His body was quivering. "So why are you here?" he shakily asked.

"There was this demon she wasn't a high one, but for some reason was favored by the Devil. Her name was Ceeleste or something like that," she answered.

Gabriel had a look of recognition with a twinge of sadness. "You mean Celeste."

She wagged her finger at him, "Ah, that's her name. I found out she was playing both sides and I threatened to tell our master."

She smacked her head, "Ugh! I was so stupid! She sent me here before I could do anything about it. But I promise I will get my revenge."

I patted her back and smirked. "Don't worry Celeste screwed us over too. Once we get out of this place you can go and get your revenge."

Steam blew out of her ears. Her white irises spiraled with a bloody red. She did a fist pump. "Vengeance will be mine!"

She blinked and gave us a small smile. "Sorry I get carried away sometimes."

Gabriel rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit. "I bet you do."

She glared at him. He quickly put his hands up in defense.

Atticus came from the shelter of my body. He grinned ear to ear, "Y'all ready to bust out this joint!"

I winked at him and gave him a high five, "Hell yeah!"

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to AuthorJMColes for the help with this chapter. I am really sorry for the late update. I had a difficult time writing this and didn't want to give you all poor quality writing. I hope you all enjoyed.

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