Chapter 21

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My eyes shot open and I gasped as if I was coming for my first breath after being under water. I wasn't sure what exactly those guards sprayed in the air, it felt like every nerve in my body was on fire. I thought that since I was dead, I would escape all kinds pain, but pain followed you everywhere. There was no way to get away from it.

I looked around. I saw Gabriel and Atticus sprawled across the concrete floor, unconscious. We were in a jail. From what I could see from the bars, wherever we were was dark. It smelt of dampness and mold. I went to see if the men were okay. They were still breathing but they didn't move.

I touched Gabriel's face and he woke up. "What happened?" he croaked as he rubbed his eyes.

"We were caught and now we are in jail," I answered him.

He palmed his forehead and sighed. "It is my fault isn't it?"

I stroked his head and arranged the hair on his head. "It is not your fault. Don't think that. We got caught, yes, but it had nothing to do with you."

"Right." He muttered under his breath.

I moved over to check on Atticus. I shook his body. "Hey, get up now," I whispered in his ear.

He stirred a bit and groaned. "We are screwed aren't we?" He asked with a rasp in his voice.

I looked everywhere else except at him "Yes we are." I replied softly. "But don't worry we will get out of this." I quickly added.

Someone cackled loudly. Celeste walked in front of us with a lantern in her hand. She had a sickening, sly smile on her face. "How sweet! You think are getting out here. Not a day like it!"

I reached through the bar in an attempt to grab her throat. She smacked my hand, "That's not nice. I thought we were friends." She said and pouted.

I exhaled loudly. "You twisted little snake!" I screamed in her face.

She wagged her index finger. "Now, now stop. You are going to hurt my feelings."

Before I could say anything Gabriel asked: "Celeste what do you want?" In an annoyed tone.

She smirked, "Now Gabriel I thought that you were better than this. I never knew you to hang around trash. You had so much ahead of you, what a shame." She said as she looked at me with disdain.

"And you Atticus," She continued "You had a bright future and it's going to waste no pun intended."

"It is always a pleasure to see you, Celeste," Atticus said with the fakest smile that I had ever seen.

The maniacal witch tapped her head, "You know I will give you two an opportunity to redeem yourselves. I will let you go, but you have to leave Lilianna behind whilst I deal with her. All you have say is yes and you are out of here."

Gabriel and Atticus looked at each other. My foot was gyrating in the anxiousness of the moment. I wondered what they really stay or take the first opportunity to flee. My heart beat speed up and I took deep breaths to try to calm myself down to no avail.

Gabriel walked towards Celeste and I became lightheaded. He narrowed his eyes at her "Celeste you were a mother figure to me when I never knew my real one. I trusted you with my soul, but you lied. You lied about everything, your feelings, your intentions and who you were as a person. I don't like liars. I have sinned and may need redemption but not from someone like you."

The jail cell temperature dropped a couple degrees. I could feel the coldness his words. Celeste stumbled backward as if what he said physically hurt her.

"What about you, Atticus?" She asked with each word trembling more than the next.

He scoffed and raised one eyebrow, "You broke my wing. I don't need your saving, you need to redeem yourself."

She sucked in a large breath and her eyes dampened. She glared at us. "Fine. Have it your way."

She waved her hands around and the room immediately started spinning. I started to get frustrated. I had the cup in my possession, one part of the puzzle and I lost it. I was so stupid, how could I have left it like that. All the ifs came to my mind and I had to remind myself, don't worry about if, worry about now.

The room stopped spinning and we ended up in a pitch black, I didn't even know what it was.

"Hello!" I called out. The only person who answered was my echo.

"Hello!" Atticus tried. His echo greeted him as well.

The dark place suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree. We were in an empty, mammoth area. I scanned the humongous room to see who turned on the lights. There wasn't anyone in sight.

I walked around. "Is anyone here?" I shouted.

"Oh great, newbies!" Some said with a little jump in their voice.

Finally that person came into sight. It was a middle aged woman. She had almost pitch black almond eyes with sleek, flowing salt and pepper hair in a ponytail. Her skin was pale and there some wrinkles gracing her eyes.

"Who are you?" Gabriel asked.

She smiled slightly, "I should be asking you that." She replied.

He went to shake her hand while tracking her every move. He held his hand out and she briefly gasped it.

"I am Gabriel. This is Lilianna and Atticus." Gabriel stated with caution.

She gave us a warm smile, but then quickly frowned. "My name is Daiyu. Welcome to your worst nightmare."

A/N: Where do you think Atticus, Gabriel and Liliana are?

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