The Girl at Lunch

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After playing in the park, we all head to the car, starving.

"Can we go eaaaat? I'm staaarrving." Ethan wines as we all pile in. I roll my eyes.

"You're like a sick puppy. But yeah, I'm hungry as well." We both turn our heads to Mark. He looks at us.


"Well, you're the driver. And if you're not hungry, we're abandoning you and Chica for food." He chuckles.

"I guess I'm hungry, then. Let's drop Chica off to Amy and we can head out." I grin as Mark starts the car and pulls out. As we drive, Ethan starts groaning.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" I ask. He smirks.

"That's a Harry Potter reference. Isn't it."

"So? What's up?"

"I didn't eat last night. Or this morning. My stomach feels like it's being clawed at!" I roll my eyes. I don't need an explanation. I'm familiar with the feeling

"Well next time, have an apple. One a day keeps the doctor away."

After we drop off Chica, we head to a diner. "This place has the best burgers in the world," Mark says as we wait to be seated.

"Oh really?" I challenge. "I thought McDonallds was your place," I smirk as he shoves me and we all laugh.

"Um, excuse me." A little girl tugs at my sleeve. I look to her. She must be twelve or thirteen.

"Hi! How can I help you?"I ask politely. She beams.

"My name is Ellie! I- I watch Ethan and Mark's videos! I was wondering if you could sign this!" She pulls out two t-shirts. The ones I made.

"Mark, you didn't tell me you put  them on the internet!" I say, smiling despite my anger.

"Well, I-I-I thought I'd surprise you!" He says, beaming and raising his hands as if to surrender. I turn back to the girl.

"You've got a marker on you?"

"Yeah!" As she pulls rummages for a marker, I take the shirts and examine the shirts. She bought the ones on plain white cotton fabric, making my bright shirts pop. She has my "habooskee" shirt and Ethan's "stay cranky!". I smile. They don't look terrible!

"I love your art style! I actually want to be a professional artist one day." I smile as she hands the marker to Ethan. I hand him the shirts and turn back to Ellie.

"Well, I'm flattered. Do you have some of your art on hand?" I ask as Ethan hands the shirts and sharpie to Mark.

"I do, actually!" She grabs her backpack again and pulls out a notepad.

"Can I look through?" She nods. I flick through, seeing pictures from styles of manga to realistic to a particularly cool art style.

"This is fantastic! I love your style. I'm sure you'll make it far." I say, grinning and handing the book back. She beams.

"Thanks, Alex!" I take the shirts from Mark and hand them back to her. She looks at me with confusion.


"Aren't you going to sign them?" I blink at her stupidly.

"You... want me... to sign these?"

"Yeah! you made them!" I laugh faintly, dumbfounded.

"Oh- uh- okay! Of course!" I take the shirt and sharpie back. I uncap the pen and look at the shirt, hesitating. "Where do you want me to sign it?" i ask.

"Wherever you want!" She says, laughing a bit, "Don't be nervous!" I smile. I sign right below my art, like i would if it was on paper or digital. I hand them back.

"Thank you guys to much!"

"It was great meeting you!" Mark says.

"One last thing. Can I have a picture? For Tumblr?" Ellie asks sheepishly.

"Of course!" Ethan says excitedly. I smile, rolling my eyes. She hands me her phone and I hold it up as we pose.

"Okay, one, two. Three!" I take two and hand her her phone.

"Thanks! This has been so much fun, thank you!" I smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ellie!" She grins.

"Thank you!!"As she walks away, I beam to Mark and Ethan.

"Feels good, doesn't it?' Mark says. I nod.

"The best."



Okay, so I got distracted by eighty million things and I'm seeing Spiderman Homecoming tomorrow (aaaaAAAH) and now I can't update my other I have to make a note now so bYYYE

Song: Death of a Bachelor, Panic! At the Disco (love this song)

~ A Rushed Salem

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