2. The next move

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                    *1st person pov*

I wake up and see it's still pretty early, and I'm the only one in the room that's awake. Yesterday was a break from reality but today I am back.

Am I the same girl that I used to be?

I am (Y/N) Dok, I transferred to the scouts about 4 months ago. I am 22. My brother is Nile Dok. My best friend is Eren Yeager. All I want in life are answers.

I finally get out of bed, contemplating whether I should shower or not. I'm more of a night-time shower girl, and I showered last night.

I get dress and wake up the rest of the girls before heading to the mess hall for breakfast. I feel different, like I lived in a bubble, but now it's been popped.

"Hey (Y/N)" I know that voice anywhere.

"Hey Eren" I say with a smile.

Eren Yeager, titan shifter, I've grown pretty close to him, I was there to help clean him after Levi beat the shit out of him.

"Are you okay, you look a little... stiff?" ugh

"I'm fine, I'm the epitome of joy, can't you tell." I answer with a straight face.

"Hey, look." he points foward. I follow his finger to a certain blonde haired commander. "He is so brilliant, even Levi looks up to him, and not just because he physically has to."

"Yeah, he is a great commander, very well mannered." He has a lot of great qualities.

"Sometimes... I think there is something going in between him and Levi, but that's ridiculous right?" Does Eren have a crush on Levi?

"I am pretty sure they are just friends. Eren, if you want to pursue him, then do it. Just... don't fuck up." He stops and looks at me and smiles

"(Y/N), you're really good at reading people" Yeah, I know.

"It's a gift." I say with all the sass in the world.

The commander is walking in the same direction which means he hasn't noticed us. Suddenly he stops and looks up.

Is he lost? Of course not. He turns around and starts to walk our direction. We make eye contact but only for a second before he looks at Eren. We lock eyes again. He looks like he is planning something.

"Cadet Yeager, cadet Dok." He stops in front of us and we salute him.

"Sir!" He dismisses it.

"Cadet Yeager, Do you know where Levi might be at this moment?" Aw, Eren is blushing

"No sir." Is he lying? No, why would Eren lie?

"If you see him, please tell him I need to speak to him."

Yes sir." Eren and Levi would honestly be the cutest thing, but Levi almost ten years older than Eren.

Erwin nods and continues on his path.

3rd person Pov

As Erwin made his way to his office, all he could think about was (Y/N). She looks so beautiful, but he can't risk having a relationship. He walks into his office to see Levi leaning against his desk.

"Levi, just the man I wanted to-"

"So you slept with the brat." Levi cut Erwin off before he could finish his sentence.

"How did you know?" Erwin wonders if Levi could hear them.

"I heard her leave, and I heard her explain her situation to Hanji." Of course he heard her, Levi, still as sharp as ever. Erwin says nothing. "You aren't falling for her are you?" Erwin looks away from Levi, towards the window. "Erwin I'm not going to tell you how to feel, but take the time to think about what you're getting yourself into." and with that Levi left Erwin's office.

Erwin sat down at his desk and put his head in his hands, thinking about his next move.

This cannot continue.

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