6. Knock Knock

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                      ○1st person pov○

I want to stay asleep but I can't. I might as well get up, I can't force myself to sleep

I slowly sit up wilst opening my eyes, I go for a good stretch but end up tumbling off of the bed, waking me up completely.

"Are you alright?" That sounds like...

"Levi?" I question why he is here as he helps me up, back into the bed.

"No, Hanji" he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes

"Ha, Ha very funny. What are you doing here?"

"Erwin wants to see you in his office." he says as he stands up to leave.

"Okay, cool. thanks" I mumble to myself. Did he really wait for me to wake up just to tell me that. Or did Erwin ask him to stay?

"H-Hey Levi..." I called, signaling for him to sit back down. Which he did, after a furious eye roll.
"I don't- I don't mean to intrude or like... get too personal." How do I even ask him this.
" I would totally love you to know you personally, but like, are you umm. you know uhh -"

"Spit it out." he says getting irritated with my inability to say what I need to. In that moment of fear, I somehow managed to blurt out my question.

"Are you straight?" he had a shocked look on his face, obviously I caught him off guard with my question.

He let out a sigh resting his arms on the bed and placing his head in his hands.

" Last time I checked I was very much into females... but there is just something about Yeager. He just- does something to me." He seems so confused and conflicted with his own feeling.

"Something like what?"  He sends me a look, almost like he is telling me not to ask questions. I give him a small smile trying my best to say "you can trust me" without saying "you can trust me"

He shakes his head a little.

"I don't know, I mean you've met that brat. Part of me wants to make him clean into oblivion, and part of me wants to take him out and give him flowers and cuddle. But I wouldn't even know how to go about that type of stuff." He runs his hands through his hair, look even more fustrated.

"Another part of me want to rip his clothes off and make him scream my name ."
Excuse me, What?

Now that caught me off guard.

"But he's my cadet. Plus he has Mikasa. I doubt he feels anything towards me other than slight fear." He says lowering his head. All his insecurities about Eren are out on the table in front of me and whatever I say can ruin this moment or make our relationship stronger.

"Maybe try hanging out with him. Eren is easily read so if there is something, you  will see it." I suggest .

"hmmmm, why didn't I think of that." he gets up and so do I.
"You should, probably get going, Whatever Erwin wanted seems urgent." he told me, fixing my hair, like he's my mom.

He leaves the room first, stopping at the door, looking back at me to offer me a smirk. He turns around and mumbles just loud enough for me to here him.

"You should leave a note next time before you leave in the middle of the night." WHET.

He turned to face me again to say "It hurts when you go to sleep holding someone and they just walk out, leaving you alone and confused ." before walking out.

                       - Time skip -

Making my way down the halls, walking fast, faces pass I'm...in front of Erwin's door

Forget knocking I'm just going to walk it, if it's so important it won't matter.

"I was told you need toooooooo-" I should've knocked.

His shirt was unbuttoned revealing his toned chest and perfectly sculpted abs. his hair was slightly messy and he was leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head.

He looks up at me, with his beauty blue eyes, and his perfect chiseled lips.. are moving. Oh, he's speaking to me.

"What did you say?"

"I'm glad you're okay." he says raising an eyebrow, probably wondering how I didn't hear him the first time.

"Oh, uhh, thanks" I say half heartedly, observing his book case to distract myself.

He gets up and strides towards me calmly, he stands extremely close to me. I mean, I'm not nervous around him, I'm a big girl, I can handle him.

I look up at him and he looks down at me, giving me a slight smirk.

"I uhh... you umm" I can't focus with him getting closer to me, why is he getting closer to me? why must he torture me?

He turns to me completely, getting closer and closer until I'm against the wall, never breaking eye contact.

The anticipation is killing me. I grab him around his torso and pulled him close  pressing him against me. Telling him to go ahead and kiss me.

He finally kisses me softly and pulls away, leading into a much more passionate make out session. I slide off his shirt and let my hands roam all over his muscular back. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. To the desk, the bed, the shower. on the floor, the chair, who knows?

He sits me on the desk and starts unbuttoning my shirt. He is leaving a trail of kisses and marks down my neck and on my breasts.

There's a knock at the door

"Stay here." he tells me before heading to the door. Of course I'm not going to stay here, that could be Eren or Armin or Jean.
I go to his room and hide

I'm pretty sure Erwin only got half way to the door before it opened.

"Eyebrows." that voice

"Nile, what brings you around at this hour?" Erwin ask, trying to play it cool

"Where is your shirt? No. More importantly,  where is my sister?"


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