chapter one ♔ the first day

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      "Now, don't get into any trouble this year. No time turners this time 'round, okay? Also, look out for your sister and tell me if James gets into any trouble." Harry says to his youngest son, Albus. Its September 1st, and Albus is about to start his 5th year at Hogwarts. He's far from excited. Honestly, the only reason he puts up with it is because his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy.

         Albus steps onto the train, searching for his best friend. He finds him in the very last compartment, talking to an unfamiliar looking girl who looked far from welcoming. She had dirty blonde hair that was above her shoulders, cold, dead, yet shockingly bright blue eyes, and light freckles, and from what he heard, an American accent.  Albus thought she was fairly attractive, though we would never go after her. For one thing, he's in love with Scorpius, another thing, he's the gayest boy at Hogwarts.

    Albus comes into the compartment casually.

    "What's up, Scorp? Who's this?" Albus asks anxiously.

  "Oh hey, Albus!" Scorpius begins, getting up from his seat to hug his best friend. He's very jittery.

   "This is Addison Wood, she's a new student. She is the daughter of Oliver Wood, she said your dad and her dad were friends. Addison, this is my best friend, Albus! We've been friends since our first year at Hogwarts." Scorpius said excitedly.

   "What's up, Albus? I heard you were Harry Potters son, is that true?" Addison asks in awe.

"Yeah, but I don't like to talk about that. Do you know what Hogwarts house you're in yet?" Albus asks, not noticing that she already had her Slytherin robes on.

   "Oh yeah, I'm in Slytherin. I'm assuming you are too, since you have the robes." Addison states.

  "Yeah. Anyways, Addison, I'm happy we met you, I hope we get to hang out this year!" Albus says, faking happy. He doesn't like the idea of a third person in his friendship with Scorpius. He was never one for groups.

     "Okay, I'd like that! I have to go, apparently I have to meet up with this - er, Hagrid fella, he's gonna teach me all about Hogwarts on the way, since I'm not a first year and won't be told what to do,  I need to know what to do beforehand! See ya later, Scorps!" Addison says, completely ignoring Albus.

     "Scorp, I missed you over the summer!" Albus says, happy that they are alone now.

   "We saw each other like, last week, and we owl'd each other like, everyday." Scorpius says, laughing a little.

   "You seemed a little happy about Addison, Scor. You fancy her, don't you? I won't tell. I mean. I thought you liked Rose, but-"

   "I don't like Rose! And yes, I might have a tiny crush on Addison. I barely know her though. I just think she's cute." Scorpius says, blushing profusely.

This made Albus a little sad. He didn't quite understand why Scorpius would like some random American girl he met on the train. Albus got a bad vibe from her. She seemed - dishonest.

    Albus just sat in silence, staring out the window, not responding to Scorpius. Scorpius noticed the silence, and he didn't like it.

   "You okay, Al?" Scorpius asks, after a solid 20 minutes of silence.

    "Yeah. Fine." Albus lies, sounding emotionless.

   "No you're not. You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but you know I'm here for you, right? You can tell me anything and I won't judge. For example, you could tell me that you liked fucking hippogriffs and I'd be like 'You do you, Boo!' You could tell me you liked sucking dick and I'd be like 'That's fantastic!' In fact, you could tell me you wanted to suck my di-"
(Foreshadowing? 😉)

"Okay! Okay! I get it!" Albus says, shoving his friend in a teasing way.

  This year is definitely gonna be interesting. Albus thinks to himself.

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