Chapter Seven: Death Will Strike

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"Oi, Valeska! I've just gotta text from one of me boys sayin' dat Celeste is comin' over 'ere. I want ya ta be in ya room by da time she gets 'ere!" Dylan yells as Jerome looks back at him, smirking.

"So what? I'll give them a bit of a show." Jerome said smirking as Dylan rolls his eyes and looks at him.

"Den our cover will be bloody blown, and we won't get ya girlfriend outta da ACPD! Ya bloody idiot!" Dylan yells as Jerome frowns and turns his head away from Dylan.

"You're no fun at all." Jerome said as he gets up and starts walking. Dylan smirks.

"It's only when I want ta." He says darkly as he watches Jerome go to his room. "But not ta worry, y'all see when I want play time."


"So, this is his strip club?" Ask Felicity as Celeste looks at her and nods with a smirk.

"Yep. Welcome to Argues City's very own The Lunatic Strip Club, owned by the lunatic himself...Dylan Martinez." Celeste says looking up at the sign that says Lunatic on it, it glows a blue colour.

"Why would a lunatic hide in a strip club called Lunatic in the first place? That's very idiotic." She said as Celeste smirks at her.

"Actually it's very smart, none of the other detectives or police hasn't found him. But I have. It took me awhile to figure out since it was too obvious and very idiotic thing to do. But he was smart enough to hide there because everyone thought that it would be stupid that he's in there." Celeste explains as Felicity's eyes widen and nods.

"Touché." Felicity says as Celeste smirks at her. She then looks at the strip club door and takes a breath in.

"Let's go see the lunatic himself."


"Well, well, well. Lookie 'ere. It's Detective Celeste Bennett and...I'm sorry, ya are?" Dylan asked Felicity as she just stares at Dylan.

"I'm Felicity Dawson. I'm captain of Argues City's Police Department." Felicity says as Celeste groans and her hand covers her face in embarrassment.

"Hahah! Is dis doll a newbie? Haha! She's not gonna last long. Isn't she Celeste?" Dylan ask her as Celeste frowns at him and folds her arms across her chest.

"Me and Felicity wants to talk to you." She said as Dylan's eyes lit up as a smile shows on his face.

"You wanna talk ta lil old me? Naw, I feel loved!" He said as he laughs. He then opens the door to his office and holds the door. "Well come on den. I thought ya said ya wanted ta talk ta me?" He said as Celeste then starts walking towards Dylan's office, behind her was Felicity looking so unsure about this.

"Captain? Are you coming?" Celeste ask as Felicity bites her lip and shoves her hands into her pockets. Dylan smirks at Felicity.

"I'm gonna stay out here, make sure that they're not up to anything." Felicity says as Celeste nods at her.

And with that Celeste and Dylan walked into the room.


Dylan walks in front of Celeste so he can get in front of her to his seat. He then jumps on his chair as it swings him around. Celeste rolls her eyes and pulls out a chair and sits down on it.

"It's just like old times, aye Cel?" He asked her in a sweet tone. Celeste frowns, a flashback plays through her mind. She pretends that she didn't see it.

"Where is Jerome Valeska, Dylan? I know you have him." She said, totally forgetting about what Dylan had said earlier.

Dylan hums as he shrugs. "I dunno. Who is dat anyways? I never heard of him." Dylan said shrugging as he looks at her. "Did he do somethin' bad?" He asked her in a sort of a pout way. Celeste frowns at him.

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