Chapter Twenty Seven: Prepare For The Worst (Last Chapter)

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"Is Dylan good?" Celeste asked as the doctor turns to face her.

"He's fine. But he's going to be sore for awhile." The doctor says as Celeste nods. She then turns to face Dylan as he frowns at her. Celeste turns to face the doctor.

"Excuse us for a moment." Celeste says as the doctor nods, walking away from the pair. She sighs looking at him. "You have never learnt your lesson have you? From the day I met you, I knew you were trouble. But now, you're just chaotic. And you're going to Arkham, for a long time. Have fun." Celeste says as Dylan frowns, she smirks at him. "What? No snarky comeback? Now I like this." Celeste sasses him as he frowns.

"Just ya wait, Cel. Somethin' is comin' and it's gonna be way worse dan dis." Dylan smirks as Celeste rolls her eyes. She grabs her hand cuffs and grabs Dylan's hands.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just get into the car." Celeste says as Dylan frowns.

Melanie lays in the bed, getting treated by the ambulance. She got a few stitches from being stab. Dylan getting a few too from being shot by Jerome. Daniel sits by the ambulance watching Melanie get treated, Jack comes over as he pats him on the shoulder.

"Melanie's strong, she'll recover soon." He said as Daniel shows a small weak smile. Jack nods as he oats him in the shoulder. He then walks over to see his girlfriend Ryan, he smiles as he hugs her tightly. "Ah, I'm so glad you're okay." Jack says as Ryan smiles.

Celeste watches the pair, seeing how happy Jack is. But he made a promise to her, for the time being she'll leave them. Jim Gordon walks over towards her as he sits next to her. "So, you're Celeste Bennett?" Jim asked as Celeste nods with a smile.

"The one and only." Celeste says as Jim smiles.

"I've heard about you for along time, what you did to protect this city from Dylan, it inspires me. And after what he did to you, you still want to protect everyone, even if you have to break a few rules." Jim says as Celeste smiles. "I'm glad that we got to work with each other, it was an honour. I'm actually kinda glad that Jack called, even if he did lie about himself." Jim says as Celeste nods.

"Yeah, you're right. And I'm honoured to be talking to you." Celeste says as Jim nods as he stands up as he walks away back to his friend. Celeste smiles. "Nice."

Daniel walks over towards Celeste. "Jack's gone, same with Ryan." Daniel says as Celeste sighs, knowing that this was going to happen.

"It's okay. We'll get him next time." Celeste says as Daniel nods. She knew that he was going to break her promise, but at least he got his girl back. Then her phone starts to ring, she sees that is was in fact Jack. "Speak of the devil." She answers her phone. "You broken my promise Jack." She says as Jack chuckles.

"I know, but there is so much more that I need to do other than rotten in a cell. Sorry Cel, I just can't be locked up, it's a bad look you know." Jack says as Celeste frowns.

"Well, if you ever set foot in my city again, I'll make sure to have you pinned down and locked up for good." Celeste threats as Jack laughs.

"Sounds like a challenge?" Jack says as Celeste smirks.

"Don't come back." Celeste then hangs up as she smirks, Daniel smiles. "How's Melanie?" Celeste asked as Daniel shrugs.

"She's going to stay at the hospital, she's gonna be fine." Daniel says as Celeste nods. "And the captain is all good. She's going to be treated too, whilst Dylan's going to Arkham with Jerome." Daniel says as Celeste smirks.

"Well, this is gonna be interesting." Celeste says as Daniel nods. Daniel then walks away, leaving Celeste to be left alone, she then looks around and frowns, she walks over towards it as she then picks it up, it was a blue rose. She examines the flower as she looks down. "A rose?" She asked as she then turns to face Daniel who is long gone. She looks back at the rose, she never saw a blue rose before. She takes the rose as she then walks over towards her car.


Melanie lays in her hospital bed, sleeping peacefully. A hooded figure wearing a black hoodie walks in, they push a wheel chair as they stop next to her. They pull the blanket off as they lift her body up and place her in the wheel chair. Then they start wheeling her out of the hospital.


"Reporting live from the crime scene. Just from last night, Melanie Reed known as the serial killer from Gotham has been reported missing from Argues's city hospital last night. Apparently the kidnapper who was wearing a black hoodie, black jeans and black converses was seen at the time of Melanie's disappearance. The figure is about 5'6 and weighs around 60kg approximately."

"I can't believe it, we put Dylan, Jerome and Chelsea into cells whilst Melanie is still out there." Celeste says as Felicity nods.

"Looks like there's something bigger coming." Felicity says as Celeste nods. "Get prepared for the worst."

"As if, but the question is why Melanie? She's hurt, why not Dylan or Jerome?" Celeste asked as Felicity sighs.

"To be honest, I don't know."


She rocks her body back and forth as she shivers, cold sweat over her forehead. Then a huge explosion is heard as the doors are knocked down.

A man in a top hat walks out of the room to see her. He smirks at the girl. "Since Mr. Martinez stolen my sister's blood, I shall steal his precious little Alice." He says as he looks at the girl shaking.

He smirks as he opens the door to let her out.

"Don't worry, dear Alice. You're safe, with the Mad Hatter."

1: Celeste Bennett and Dylan Martinez belongs to a_c_amber and AceyBear
2: Jerome Valeska, James Gordon and The Mad Hatter belongs to Gotham Fox/DC COMICS
3: Jack Reed, Daniel Short, Melanie Reed, White Rabbit // Chelsea White, Ryan Hart, Felicity Dawson and The Girl In The Corner belongs to me

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