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the first thing i noticed when i stepped into the big house, was the smell. it smelled of freshly baked bread, and it was delicious. i pressed down the handle of my suitcase and begun to slowly take off my thick jacket, whilst looking around curiously.

"you can hang it over here." dahyun said and pointed to an old school coat hanger. i nodded and carefully placed my jacket on it.

"mom, tae, we're home!" she screamed into the house whilst kicking of her shoes. i took off mine too and placed them neatly besides the other shoes. you could hear steps coming closer, and suddenly a lady came out of the kitchen.

she had the same hair color as dahyun, but with a few gray hair strands in it. her face broke into a big smile when she saw me and gave me a big hug. she smelled nice, like a mom should smell.

"welcome sana!" she exclaimed as she held me tightly.

"mom." dahyun sighed and her mother let go of me with a little laugh.

"sorry." she said smiling. "my name is chorong, and it's completely okay to call me that! are you girls hungry?"

i nodded and dahyun screamed "yes!" and ran into the kitchen. chorong put a warming hand on my shoulder and nodded for me to follow her daughter.

as i entered the adorable little kitchen, a big wave of home sickness hit me. the walls in there were white with small pink roses on. just like our walls at home. i held back a small tear. i really didn't want to cry. i had told myself not to cry.

"um, hi." i heard a mans voice say behind me. it couldn't be mr kim, his voice was way deeper than that.

i turned around quickly, my hair almost hit the blonde boy in his face. he just stared at me, looking like he had to restrain himself from letting his mouth drop open.

"hello." i said and bowed lightly. he did the same and continued to stare at me. i furrowed my eyebrows and chuckled a little before stretching out my hand.

"my name is sana." i said, he blinked and got hold of reality again. his cheeks flushed pink and he took my hand.

"i'm taehyung. nice to me you." he almost whispered as he shook it. i tilted my head to take a closer look at him.

he was almost ten centimeters taller than me, with thick wavy non-natural blonde hair. his eyes were one shade lighter than dahyun's, but they were still
somehow very similar. and plus, he was really handsome.

"tae, don't try to flirt with her already!" dahyun called from the dining room, followed by a laugh from both her and her mother.

"i wasn't.. i-" taehyung stuttered before walking away from me with his face covered. i stood still for a second, watching him go, before i continued into the dining room.

"dubu, where's your father?" chorong asked as i sat down at the big wooden table.

"he's parking the car. and mom, i told you not to call me that." he said strictly and lowered her voice in the end of the sentence. her mother laughed and poured water into the glass in front of me.

"i think it's cute. isn't it cute, sana?"

"it's really cute." i agreed and dahyun looked over at me and smiled prissily before rolling her eyes. i chuckled and saw in the corner of my eye that the older boy sat down carefully in the seat next to mine.

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