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the sound of the alarm clock on my bedside table cut through my sleep like a knife and woke me up. i rubbed my eyes sleepily and glanced at the clock. half past five in the morning. which meant that my first day in high school would be starting in exactly five hours. i smiled to myself as i sat up and all of the memories from the night before came back to me. my smile grew bigger, i pulled off the duvet and jumped down from the bed.

once i had removed the curtains from my window and let in some light, i decided to sneak down into the kitchen to make some coffee. just in case someone else was up, i put on a pair of grey tights before i went out of my room.

the house was still covered in darkness and silent as a graveyard. i stepped down the stairs with light feet, trying not no make too much noise. i almost succeeded, but the third last step squeaked a little as i placed my foot on it. my face wrinkled up in a grimace and i carefully turned my head to look upwards. it seemed like nobody woke up. i sighed in relief and stepped down the last steps and then sneaked into the kitchen.

the coffee machine stood on the counter next to the microwave. i pulled out a coffee filter from a little box, opened the machine and put it in carefully. after that, i poured some coffee powder into the filter. i poured quite a lot in there since i wanted to make some for the others as well. then in with the water and press start.

chorong had told me last night where everything was, so i took a coffee cup out from the white painted  cabinet over the dishwasher.

"good morning."

i almost dropped the cup as i turned around at the sound of mr kim's voice. he held his laughter and i bowed.

"good morning, mr kim. i hope it was okay that i made some coffee." i said and his eyes landed on the freshly made coffee in the jug i held in my left hand.

"of course, sana! it's always nice to wake up to this smell." he said, patted my head and took out a cup himself. i begun to pour the dark liquid into his and then into mine. he thanked me with a smile and took a sip.

"this tastes great!" he exclaimed as he sat down at the small kitchen table, signing for me to do the same.

"i'm glad." i said shyly and pulled out a chair. he gave me an eye smile and put down his cup in front of him.

"so", he said clapping his hands together. "are you nervous for today? do you have everything you need?"

i swallowed my coffee. "no, not really. just excited. and i have everything thank you."

"good, good." he nodded. "the school bus leaves at..."

"eight fifty, i know."

he smiled and nodded whilst doing a thumbs up. we finished our coffee in silence, but not the awkward kind, which was nice. he thanked me again for the coffee, i nodded and walked towards the stairs.

as i was putting my foot on the first step, taehyung came out of the downstairs bathroom. i smiled and said good morning, but he ignored me and made his way into the kitchen. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and started walking up the stairs carefully.

"hey, sana!" i heard behind me as i put a hand on the handle my door. a wide smile spread over my face.

"hi." i said and turned around to be met by dahyun's beautiful existence. she wore a blue t-shirt where one sleeve was yellow and the other white along with a pair of jean shorts. her hair was tied up in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"slept well?" she asked as she was strapping on a beautiful bracelet on her wrist.

"very", i answered looking down. "you?"

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