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dahyun didn't come home that night. chorong and mr kim didn't worry about it too much, they said that she always stayed over at people's houses without telling them, and then came home the next day after school.

first, i was very chocked about how much they trusted her. my own parents would never have let me do such thing without even texting them where i was going.

second, i wanted to cry. all i could think about when i sat with the others at the dinner table was what jackson had said earlier that day. about her leaving town.

"you can take my car to work tomorrow, honey." chorong's honey sweet voice woke me from my pondering with a jerk. "and you may scold her tomorrow afternoon."

the other laughed, even taehyung, though his was a bit artificial. but i couldn't manage to. i was too worried, and bit my lip as i poured lemonade into my glass. i could feel chorong watching me with searching eyes.

"is everything okay, sana sweetie?" she asked with a light tone of worry over her words. i looked up, a stiff  smile spreading on my lips.

"yes, chorong unnie. i'm sorry, i just..."

should i tell her the truth? i thought for a second. no.  i couldn't worry her like that. dahyun was probably just skipping school or something, and now probably lying on ungjae's couch. yes that was it, i decided, of course that was it.

"...i just miss home a little." i lied and chorong gave me a warm smile.

"oh, that's totally understandable sweetie! you must miss your parents so much, them being still in japan."

i smiled before looking down on my plate. chorong continued her conversation with mr kim, and i sighed inside of me.

"uh, sana?"

i turned around to meet a whispering taehyung just as i was about to walk up the stairs. i gave him a questioning look, but he just signed for me to come with him.

his room was the third door to the left in the corridor beside the living room. i tried to hold in my laughter as i saw the small sign on his door. 'go away, i'm getting sum' it said with green letters, looking horrible against the bright yellow background. he mumbled something about making it a long time ago and opened up.

the sight of his room was breathtaking. the big bed was placed in the middle of the, by the way, huge room. it was one of those white old school beds that you only saw in old movies, with a purple bed spread.

the white-and-purple-theme followed beautifully through the smallest detail of the room, from purple paintings on the walls to actual white marble statues.

"this is beautiful." i gasped, but he just waved my compliment away with a silent 'yeah yeah'. he sat down on in a white armchair with purple cushions, pointing at a similar one opposite to him.

i sat down slowly and felt very confused.

"taehyung, what exactly is goi-"

"listen," he cut me off with a slightly panicked expression. "i know where dahyun is. and i know that you know she's not sleeping at some friend's house."

i couldn't find any words at all to fill the silence with, just my racing heart. what did he mean? taehyung shifted position impatiently and pulled a hand through his blonde mane.

"she told me not to tell anyone." he continued, biting his lips. "especially not you, she said. but i just... i just can't tell mom and dad."

"what's going on? why... where is she?" i stuttered, watching his eyes tear up.

"she decided fully last night. came in to my room at one am, her backpack packed and she was crying. she told me everything." he sighed, blinking rapidly as he talked to stop the tears and keep them in his eyes.

"she said she was in love with you. yeah, i know, that was my face exactly. she said that, she had fallen in love the same second she laid eyes on you. and after your kiss..."

all of the blood disappeared from my face. did he know about that?

"it's fine sana." he said, trying to smile kindly but failed, making it look like a grin out of pain.

"actually, i've known about her for a while. her being a lesbian, i mean. about her faking her interest for that wonpil guy. i think that's what made her wanting to leave, the knowledge of mom and dad's opinion on homosexuality. and then you came along and..." he sighed again.

the tears had started to stream down my face as he talked. i felt panic mixed with guilt mixed, and i couldn't take in the information he gave me. i looked up at him through my veil of tears.

"where... do you know where she went?" i sniveled, trying to dry my wet cheeks with my sleeves, but it was meaningless. he bit his lip doubtfully before stuffing his hand in his pocked. he pulled out a crumpled note, and unfolded it carefully. as if it was made out of the thinnest and most valuable paper.

"i'm going to better life, i will miss you. don't find me." he read with a shaky voice before putting his hands in his lap.

"not going to a better life?" i wondered curiously.

"no." he responded and looked at the paper again. "it just says to BETTER LIFE. better life is written with capitals only and is circled many times."

i nodded, confused, with my face covered in dried tears.

i didn't sleep at all that night.

a/n; HELLOOO!!!

soo, i hope you liked that chapter and the little riddlely note thingy *insert evil laugh*

i was thinking about doing a face reveal in the next chapter, since i got a haircut today... what do you guys think lmao?

love always ♥︎

love always ♥︎

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