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2 years later......

          "Paul make sure you have everything set in stone for this event, I don't want nor do I need for anything to go wrong," I informed him as I made my way to my office.

I had just got done with my last meeting of the day, I was planning a huge Christmas event that would help sponsor ten homeless mothers and their kids with food, clothing and shelter so that they could get back on their feet. I had been putting this event together for the past six months and finally it was about to come to life and I couldn't wait. Giving back has always been a big part of me plus I have more than enough money to fund it so it why not do something to help someone else in need out? 

 I was more than ready to get home, get off my feet and rest, finally. Being that it was early December and the Christmas holiday followed by New Years was quickly approaching, I was getting ready to go on vacation, majority of my business were closed so that workers could be home with their families as well.

             "Everything is done, don't worry I got this Bossy lady. You go head and get out of here I'll lock up as soon as I send out the last order for these flowers and be on my way," he insured me before heading over to his desk.

           "Good. Be sure to email me that list I wanna at least be working on that while I have a little free time."  Gathering the last of my things I hit the light in my office and started for my car.

Starting the engine I put the heat on full blast giving it a moment to heat up, I hated the winter, it was always too damn cold for me. I was more of a Summer girl; short shorts, sunglasses, tank tops and sandals were my thing so I couldn't wait for April to roll around. Just as I pulled out the parking spot my phone began to ring, Dez face popped up and I had every mind to reject his call, I was so exhausted and I knew with him calling could only mean one thing something was wrong at the warehouse and he needed me to fix it.

I connected the phone the car system putting it on speaker so that I could drive saying, "What is it Dez, you haven't call me all week and I was starting to get use to that."

           "Well you can get un-use to it cause I need you here. The new product just came in and normally I have all this shit under control but my boy ain't here and Jordan ole soft ass is out right now so that only leaves you," he went on to say, I sighed rolling my eyes. I just want to go home and lay up in my heat.

         "Don't I pay you to have all this shit figured out? I don't have time to come babysit you my nigga," I stated before making my way to the highway. All the plans I had of going to relax just went out the window.

           "You do but when you add more on my workload and think you're not gonna have to come through and do some work makes you wrong. You wanted to take on this product so bring yo ass in and tell me how you want this shit ran otherwise-" he trailed off.

      "Otherwise what? You ain't gone do shit but figure it out on your own but aight I'll be there in twenty minutes," I replied ending the call.

The calming sounds of Killing Me Softly by the Fugees  blared throughout the speakers as I cruised the interstate, I took a deep breath and let the stress of todays actives escape me so that I could make room for the new stress that was about to come. I couldn't help that my mind wonder off to the thought of Aaron's and I relationship, we haven't spoken to nor seen one another in over a year and I can't say that it doesn't bothers me because it does. The one time I decided to open my heart and let a man in he breaks it and leave me hanging all because I wouldn't do the things he wanted. Because I wouldn't live my life the way he thought was best for me so he bailed out leaving me heartbroken and lonely as far as we go.

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