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for @TheSunIsADeadlyLazer and @toyMangle45 ,, this is an au where your flowers mix with another if you are soulmates. if all your flowers die, you die too.

     Violets were all over Evan's body as he breathed softly in his sleep. His head rested against his pillow as the alarm next to him soon blared, causing a groan to sound from his mouth as he got up. He got changed quickly, flower petals swirling off and around him as he rushed out the door with a piece of toast. As he got to his first class he finished nibbling on the bread, too anxious to keep any real food down. It was the first day of college for him and he didn't want to make a bad first impression. He was incredibly early, but his heart was racing as he wanted to be on the safe side. The smell of daisies flooded his senses, smiling to himself at the familiarity of the scent.

     "Hey, my favorite half gay." Jared said cheerily as he sat down next to Evan outside the class door, offering him a soft smile. Evan was shaking but managed to smile back to Jared, fumbling with the little violets in between his fingers. 

      "H-Hi. Exciting, I guess." He motioned to the classroom, shrugging a little as he tried to regulate his breathing. Jared nodded as he played with his shoe laces.

      "Ever think you may find... Them here? I mean, if not in high school it has to be now..." Jared's voice was almost scared, it was typical that most people found their soulmates during these years. It was incredible pressure and created tension around seemingly everyone as young adults flooded the campus. Class had started for the morning, and Jared waved bye to Evan as he walked in the opposite direction. Evan exhaled, finally stepping into the classroom and an eruption of smells entering him once more.

     "Welcome, please take a seat." The teacher directed, Evan nervously sitting in the back. A tall boy rushed in late, grumbling as he took the last open seat next to Evan. Evan was too scared to look at him the whole period, nervously scribbling on his notebook. The class ended and people rushed out, Evan being caught in the mess made eye contact for a split second with the tall boy who had a rose for his left eye and felt his skin blooming with big red flowers. Suddenly, a name was clear in his head, Connor. Connor Murphy. Roses, roses were appearing in his violets as he started breathing quickly. The other boy was already gone, but Evan saw his back dashing into the bathroom. Evan ran after him, slowing down as he got to the door. 

      "H-Hello?" He pushed open the door horrified as he saw Connor frantically trying to rip the flowers from his wrists. Evan saw flowers wilting and dying from his wrists, crying out in mental pain.

     "Fuck... Fuck! Evan Hansen... Fuck you."

     "I-I'm sorry, I'm s-so so sorry." Tears came rushing from Evan's eyes, Connor immediately going to the boy to put his hands on his shoulders.

     "N-No! I meant, I can tell, soulmate shit, you're a good person. I hate that you're my soulmate because I'm fucking horrible for you." Connor was shaking with wide eyes, Evan reaching out to put his hands on Connor's chest.

     "Listen, I-I doubt you're horrible. Wh-Whatever told me your name is t-telling me you're not th-that bad."

     "Connor Murphy? Not that bad? Ha. I'm a freak. I just tore out my own fucking flowers. Look! Look at this, my fucking eye is a rose." Connor laughed maniacally, falling to the ground as he looked at Evan in shock. Evan dropped next to him, locking the door behind them quickly as he sat with Connor.

    "B-Because you're hurting. I don't want you to hurt... I don't want us to hurt. I-I th-think your eye is beautiful. T-The other one too." Evan said as he took Connor's hand in his own, rubbing his thumb over Connor's as he comforted the crying boy. The rose for his left eye had little petals falling from it as he weeped, Evan taking some in his hand as he tried to help the other.

    "Really? Y-You're really pretty, Evan. I can't believe... How can you not already hate me?" 

     "T-To be honest, I-I don't know how you're to-tolerating me." Evan said with a small choke in his voice, curling up in embarrassment. Connor looked shocked as he bit his lip, wrapping a shaky arm around Evan's shoulders.

     "How could anyone not like you? You're so kind and amazing... And fucking cute as hell." Connor murmured the last bit but Evan managed to hear it and blush bright red, leaning his head on Connor's shoulder. The stems were long worn down on Connor's wrists, but now Evan had some of his own from Connor. He had only ever plucked one or two from his legs when he got really anxious, but he hated that Connor had hurt himself so much for not getting the help he needed. Connor was looking away when Evan grabbed his wrist, kissing the stubby flower stems and his skin softly. 

     "Y-You don't have to do that..."

     "I-Is it not okay? I'm so-sorry I'll stop." Evan dropped his wrist quickly as he moved his head off of Connor's shoulder, freaking out a little but seeing Connor's expression fall and trying to fix the situation.

     "No! No... I... Liked it. And I like you. I guess I have to, but I really do..." Evan giggled a little as he leant in to kiss Connor on the lips, an eruption of scents lingering in between their lips. Connor put his hand onto Evan's face as Evan leaned in to kiss Connor deeper, straddling him between his legs. As they pulled away, a single violet colored rose appearing on both of the boys wrists. Connor's eyes were nearly sparkling as Evan smiled widely. Their hands found their way to each other, holding them tightly. Connor was the one to surprise the other this time as he kissed Evan passionately, moving his body to the others. His arms wrapped around Evan's waist as they rested their foreheads against each other, having to break apart because they were both smiling too much.

     "Y-You're pretty amazing... I'm not gonna give up on you. Ev-Everything is telling me y-you're a good person, and I believe it. We're gonna be okay." Evan said quietly as Connor gripped him tighter to his body, kissing all over his face.

    "You're everything I could have wanted and so much fucking more. I'm so lucky, I can't believe... Y-You don't hate me. Yet." Connor added the last bit in sneakily, Evan frowning as he kissed Connor again, shaking his head.

    "No. I won't hate you either. U-Unless you don't like t-trees."

    "Damn you're adorable... Trees are almost as pretty as you." They kissed again, not being able to resist each other at this point. Connor's flower eye tickled Evan as their mouths moved against each other, Evan giggling for a moment through the kiss. He put his hands on either side of Connor's face, stabling the kiss to go deeper as they spent the rest of the class time in the bathroom together. All of Evan's anxiety of the first day was forgotten as they spent the hour or so finding out about each other and making out. Eventually they both knew better than to skip well payed classes, their expressions saddening as they had to leave each other.

     "S-So you have my n-number and d-dorm number... Please c-come whenever! I'd love... I'd l-love to see you more."

     "Evan, we're soulmates. We should move in together! I-I mean, only if you want to so we can like, learn more about each other..."

      "Definitely. W-We can cuddle all the time, I mean when we don't have class, an-and learn everything a-about each other and f-fall in love..." Evan's voice trailed off as Connor nearly cut him off with another kiss.

      "I think I'm already kind of in love with you."

      "M-Me too."


a.n: so @toyMangle45 messaged me the other day telling me all about their and their friend @TheSunIsADeadlyLazer 's au... And it was so beautiful that it needed to be made into a one shot. I would love to make another part and include Alana's attachment to cacti and Zoe's attachment to roses, since I love my girls sm sm. Please please please if you are going to use this idea, contact both of the tagged above. It is not my au so don't ask me !!! thanks for reading this long ass authors note haha 

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