Coffee on Broadway

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    "Uh... One of those things. A vanilla chai, yeah." Connor pointed to the menu, not wanting to mispronounce it but knowing he had anyways. The boy at the register seemed so on edge, nearly dropping the cash wad that he had shoved to him all over the floor. But he was cute, in his own way.

   "Here, e-enjoy your day." 

    "Thanks... Evan. I like your shirt." He read his name tag, then looked back up to him. Evan had been wearing Falsettos shirt, causing Connor to smile a little. Evan couldn't really manage to spit out a sentence, instead blushing and waving a small goodbye to Connor. 

   For the next month, everyday Connor came in at eleven a.m. to get his vanilla chai before going to a bundle of auditions and waiting for callbacks. Evan was always there with a small smile, and had started making his order in advance by three minutes to make sure it was still hot, but ready for Connor to take it when he got there. Sometimes, he would write little smiley faces on the cup. Connor's auditions usually went better on those days.

   "Hey, you're into musicals, right?" Connor said as he took a sip of his drink, looking at Evan with an eyebrow raised. Evan nodded, showing off his Kinky Boots sweatshirt under his barista apron. 

   "So tomorrow my sister hooked me up with Wicked tickets and I was wondering since you're into musicals and I don't really have friends-"

   "Oh my god." Evan started, his face nearly white as he dropped the roll of quarters he was holding.

   "Would you like to come with me?" Connor finished, a blush appearing over his cheeks, yet he blamed it on the heat of his drink.

   "Y-You can't mean that... Just sell it online or something!"

   "I'd rather go with a friend... It's kinda lame but-"

    "N-No it's okay we're friends I'll go! Unless theres someone else-" Connor giggled, covering it up with a cough quickly before looking back to Evan with the tickets in his hand.

   "You're in?"

    "Fuck yes." Evan breathed, covering up his mouth quickly as a co-worker passed by. 

   "Here... Be there at six thirty?" Connor scribbled his apartment address down on a napkin, sliding it to Evan with a soft smile.

   "Y-Yeah! Can't wait. Drink's on the house today... A-And like forever now. I owe you."

   "Don't worry about it, Ev." Connor said as he picked up his bag to leave, swaying his hips ever so slightly as he left the coffee shop.

   Evan couldn't concentrate on the rest of his shift, his thoughts only focused on Connor. He didn't have many friends beside his fellow barista, Alana, who once he told had to restrain herself from slapping him for getting offered a ticket. 

   "You didn't ask him if he had a third?" She said almost angry, but happy that her friend was managing to go out with someone.

   "I-I completely forgot-"

   "I'm kidding. You have a good date. Take an illegal video or some shit." She said as she ruffled his hair, going back to filling up a fresh cup of coffee for herself as long as one for Evan.

   Connor hadn't expected Evan to agree to go with him. He thought the boy would either reject the offer, especially since it was Connor offering him the tickets. He wasn't quite the type of person that was approachable or likable, or at least to himself. Evan couldn't disagree more. Since the day Connor walked in, Evan was sort of head over heels for him. He had to pinch himself everyday to keep from blushing when the boy ordered. Connor would always ask him how his day was or what he was listening to, and Evan would reply with stories of crazy customers or go on ranting about the latest show that made him cry.

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