you shouldn't have said anything

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it's been a few days.

josh and tyler were living just fine together, tyler still needing help with everyday things josh did. he was willing to help him, though, because that's what people do for each other. tyler told josh whatever he wanted to know about him and his group, and tyler asked a question in return.

it was their thing, that way they both got to know a bit more about each other every day.

the problem was, tyler didn't tell josh that he was always hungry, especially on nights like this. on nights like this, where the full moon was shining brightly through the windows, tyler felt like dying. he changed, both physically and mentally on nights like this, and he tried to make sure josh wouldn't have to see it.

if only he had went to bed sooner.

josh was reading, his booklight shining on the pages only, the moon encasing his room in a light blue glow. they were in silence, josh enjoying tyler's company as the night grew darker. he hadn't heard from him in a while, though. usually, he'd hear noise from whatever tyler found and was playing with, or a sigh of boredom if he hadn't.

he'd always hear something.

"tyler?" josh asked, getting even more silence in return.

he stared hard at the spot near the window where tyler would be, but found nothing in his place.

"ty?" josh called again, setting his book down and taking the booklight off of it.

his room door was closed, so tyler couldn't have left, could he?

josh pointed his nightlight to the bathroom, but that door was closed as well. he was in quietness, trying to hear if he might've been inside the house somewhere, but it was silent, just like the last few minutes. he was beginning to panic; what if something happened to him? what if he was found?

"ty!" josh whisper-yelled, not wanting his mom to hear anything.

he pointed his booklight to the closet, the door slightly ajar. he didn't see anything through the little crack, so he walked over to it to push back the door. he frowned, seeing tyler in his grey hoodie, his face in his hands and his knees up to his chest.

"tyler, are you alright?" josh asked, hearing tyler sniffle.

he shook his head, wiping his nose with the excess hoodie covering his hands. josh made a face.

"you're wiping your snot-"

the words got stuck in his throat when he saw bloodstains where wet spots should have been.

"tyler, l-look at me." josh said, beginning to panic again.

tyler only shook his head, his face still hidden in his hands.

"i need to stay out of the moonlight. it makes it w-worse." he sniffled again, wiping more blood onto josh's hoodie. "i could get it out later. please, leave me alone until tomorrow."

his voice was shaky, and weak, but josh wanted to know what was going on.

tyler's stomach growled loudly, closing in on himself as tightly as he could. his head was pounding, face hot as his cheeks took on a red tint. his mouth was dry, like he swallowed cotton, and it felt like his entire soul was trying to rip itself out of his chest. his vision was fading, and he felt sleepy, but he tried to stay awake in case he didn't wake up.

this was awful.

"what's happening, tyler?"

"i'm so hungry, josh." tyler said, the feet pointing towards each other as he tried to sustain his stomach.

he needed josh to just go away.

"look at me." josh tried again, not knowing what to do or say, but he needed to know why tyler was bleeding.

tyler sighed, sniffling again, picking his head up slowly out of his hoodie-covered hands. josh's eyes blew wide, beginning to say something, but his words were caught. tyler's eyes were golden, glowing brightly in the shadows of the closet. tyler had a pained look on his face, his lips in a frown. almost his entire face was covered in blood, slowly trickling out of his eyes and nose.

"why do you look like that?" josh asked softly, not wanting tyler to feel worse.

"i'm hungry." tyler said, almost pleading with him.

he didn't know for what, he just wanted to be left alone.

"can i cook you something?" josh offered, seeing tyler begin to cry again and cover his face.

"not like that."

josh felt like there was stone in his chest. he hated seeing people cry, but it was a hundred times worse because it was tyler and he was crying blood. this is all because he didn't want to hurt people, and he was willing to starve himself all night.

he's never met anyone crazier.

"...remember how you said you wouldn't try to eat me?" josh spoke up after a long while of silence, and him just thinking.

"i'm not doing that. i'll just wait it out." tyler said, curling in on himself again when his stomach growled.

"what if i say you can, only for tonight?" josh offered again, wondering why the fuck he was doing something like this.

he didn't even know what to expect if tyler was alright with it, and what would even happen. he could die for all he knew, but he was willing to help tyler out if he really needed it.

"i don't need it. it's f-fine." tyler said.

"no, it's not."

tyler tried to argue again, but his mind was already set on it.

josh shouldn't have said anything.

he looked up again, trying to keep his want down. his fingers curled slightly, his heart drowning in desire. he needed to tell josh to go away again, but nothing came out. instead, josh watched as tyler's eyes turned ruby red as he blinked, like the letters of an exit sign. his lips parted slightly to show his teeth, and they looked longer from what josh remembered from earlier.

josh could barely see anything, but he only felt weight on top of him, dropping his booklight on the ground. he gasped in surprise, being knocked to the ground and feeling a hand holding onto the side of his neck. his heart beat fast as he tried to understand what was going on, gritting his teeth together when he felt a sharp pain coarse through his throat and shoulder, covering his mouth and screaming into his palm. he shut his eyes tightly, trying to focus on something other than the pain to his neck, realizing it was tyler.

he was in shock, though he allowed this to happen. he pressed his hand to his mouth again to suppress any noises, screaming and arching his back as the pain worsened. he tried to get out of tyler's grip, but his legs weren't helping him. he was hurting, very, very badly, and he couldn't move, being pinned underneath tyler's body. he felt tired, the pain beginning to grow numb. he tried to stay awake, flicking his eyes across the spinning closet ceiling, but his head began to hurt.

tyler hadn't let up, almost forgetting the taste of blood in his mouth. he needed this, and no matter how much he wanted to stop, because this was enough, he couldn't. his mind was clouded with blood lust, sinking his teeth deeper into josh's throat to get out more and more of it. josh started to get sleepy, not knowing if he should try to stay awake or tell tyler to stop. he tried to do the latter, his words coming out in a whisper as his eyelids grew heavy.

his hand fell from his mouth, his booklight growing dimmer and dimmer in the closet.

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