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This is super short but it's got some info needed for the rest of the story


"I'm so sorry about last night I drank way too much and I-"

"Rhys, it's okay. I'm sure I said some pretty embarassing things too. Don't worry about it" She pauses "I uh... I gotta go, I'll talk to you later"

"Oh, okay. Bye" She hangs up. God that was an uncomfortable call to make.

Vaughn sighs "You should've just kissed her man. Now you made it all weird. You don't just stop a few inches from someones face, who does that?"

"If I had kissed her she probably would've punched me" I frown at him

"Go big or go home, right?"

I made such an asshole of myself at that party. Now I have absolutely no chance with (Y/n), not that I had much going for me before all of this. Now work is going to be awkward and terrible, even moreso than before. And to top things off Jack is livid about the whole ordeal. After everything went down he was extremely vocal about his feelings. Now, however, he's comitted to giving me the silent treatment.

He stares at me, his jaw tense.

"Jack I'm sorry... I was drunk and nothing even happened. I was just being stupid"

Vaughn shakes his head. "Come on, Rhys, you've just got to be honest with him. He's in your head after all"

"I thought I made myself clear," Jack crosses his arms "You weren't to go near her"

"Jack it's not-"

"She's not yours, Rhys. And she never will be. You don't deserve her"

"And you do?" I reply angrily, surprising myself. Where the hell did I get the courage to stand up to him? He grits his teeth then disappears from sight.

Suddenly my hand slams down on the table in front of me, the glass shattering as my metal fist hits it. A few workers look over, staring at the fearful expression on my face.

"Dude what the- Why did you do that?" Vaughn steps away from the glass shards.

"I didn't"


"Jack?" I run a hand through his dark hair, twirling the small silver streak around in my fingers. He slowly turns over to look at me


"What if you die?"

He chuckles, pressing a light kiss to my temple "Good morning to you too, pumpkin"

"No, Jack, I'm serious. What if something happens to you? All these missions you keep going on are getting more and more dangerous" I slide my fingers along his cheek, touching part of the large scar on his face. "I don't want to be here without you"

"You wont be. I'm always gonna come home" A smile curls onto his lips. "Especially since I have such a babe to come home to"

I awaken from my dream and find myself alone. Jacks side of the bed is empty and cold, as it has been for a very long time now.


"Hey, Yvette, I've been thinking. What if I got cybernetics? Then I could talk to Jack myself. Things wouldn't be so difficult. And I wouldn't have to see Rhys ever again... That was so awkward"

She shakes her head "I don't know, (Y/n), don't you think that would kind of be... Living in the past? I know you loved him and that you're still hurting but..." She sighs "And you're gonna have to face Rhys eventually, you're the head of his department. Plus, if anyone knows anything about cybernetics, it's him. You'll have to see what he thinks about it"

"I was afraid you'd say that"

A tall man runs up to the two of us "Hey, did you hear about that idiot who went crazy and smashed a table down at the hub? He started yelling some nonsense about Handsome Jack. It was insaaaane!"

"How much do you wanna bet that it was our idiot?" Yvette rolls her eyes

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