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I drank so much cranberry juice today pls save me

Also sorry my spelling is so bad but the spell check on my phone is a monster and changes every word so i cant really use that. This is kind of whatever but yknow



"H-Hey... Just checking up on you... Making sure you're still alive... Hah, that's a weird thing to say, isn't it?" He stutters over the ECHO speaker.

I laugh awkwardly "Yeah, I'm still alive... You alright? You sound strange"

"Me? Yeah I'm great, just living the dream y'know-" Theres a loud crash in the background followed by cursing.

"Is that Rhys?" Yvette asks shooting an odd look at me. I nod, pulling up the videochat hologram on my echo. Rhys smiles and I notice the stream of red on his face.

"You're bleeding. What's going on?"

"It's a... Bloody nose, I get those a lot" He looks around as if he's expecting someone to jump out at him. "No big dealio..."

Something's obviously up. Most of the time Rhys' actions are questionable at best, but this is really out of the norm, even for him.


"Listen, I uhh... I gotta go. You look beautifu- Oww, would you stop that!?" The ECHO call ends suddenly.

Who was he talking to in the background? I sigh and shake my head. Yvette rolls her eyes

"You're really fucking the guy that says 'dealio'?"


"He was gonna marry me" I mumble, running my fingers over the yellow sweater that resembles the one he always wore. That dumb sweater that I've patched up a million times.

She looks over at me, surprised "What?"

"There was this ring in his dresser... It was... Stunning... And next to it was this little pad of paper with ideas on how he was gonna propose" I chuckle. One of the bulletpoints simply said 'Dogs', I'm still not sure exactly what that means. "To be honest he could've woken me up in the middle of the night and said 'Let's get married' and I would've happily agreed"

I shrug, realizing I'm talking about the most rich, powerful, and probably the most deadly man in the universe. To me he was always Jack. Just Jack. Of course he was as handsome as one could possibly be, but he was just Jack. My Jack, the programmer who gave himself a pep talk before asking me to dinner.

"You never told me any of this" Yvette raises her eyebrows. I shake my head, fearing that if I try to talk I'll burst into tears. "I'm really sorry, (Y/n). It should've ended differently"

I nod, though I know it had to be done. Someone had to stop him and he wouldn't listen to me when I tried to tell him the truth about what he was doing. He had changed a lot from when I first met him, but I loved him no mater what.

"It's alright" I breathe.


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