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Hey kiddos if you like this shit vote or comment or do a backflip or somethin idk should i continue this?

Theres no power here and a tornado warning is going on so im just gonna write this n try not to die


"Oh god this can never happen again" I whisper to myself for what must be the millionth time in the past twelve hours. Resting my head on the desk I decide to call Yvette. "Can you come to my office? Please"

She nods before ending the call, not bothering to actually answer. It takes only a few minutes for her to show up.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asks, her worried expression quickly turning to a sly grin "Is this about Rhys?"

"What do you mean 'about Rhys?' I'm just... Uh... How are you doing?"

"Oh come on, Vaughn and I heard what was going on in that room. Tell him that he should fix his squeaky bed if he wants to be more discreet. Do you think I didn't notice the marks on his neck, and yours, for that matter" She laughs

"No no it was definitely not that. I didn't..." Yvette raises her eyebrows and I cave "Yeah okay, fine, but that was the first and last time-"

"Was it that bad?" She asks quietly, as if someone else were listening in.

"No it really wasn't bad but-"

"Do you have feelings for him?"

I lean back in my chair and sigh "I-"

"Oh what am I saying of course you do"

"Yvette!" I get her attention "Listen, it's not that he isn't a really fucking great guy I just...  Feel guilty"

She sighs, patting my hand "You're not cheating on Jack you know? It's been a long time and it's time for you to start a new chapter in your life. I know letting go is hard but just... Give Rhys a chance"


"I'm telling you, man, she's just so... Wow" I say though I'm sure Vaughn is sick of hearing about (Y/n) by now.

"What does Jack think about all this?"

"He hasn't showed up since that whole table incident... Maybe he's gone? I feel bad saying this but I'm almost glad that he's not around, he'd be beyond pissed. Plus, with that weird thing that happened to my arm I'd be shitting my pants if he showed up. That glitch had to have something to do with him"

"No shit" He adjusts his glasses "You're welcome, by the way. If I hadn't suggested that we go to your place you would still be... Y'know empty and alone"

"Empty?" I frown, shaking my head "But, yes, thank you. You're the best"

"Damn right"


"Uhh hey, what are you doing here?" I ask awkwardly as Rhys enters my office, trying to ignore my heart pounding in my chest. His face turns bright pink as his eyes fall on me.

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