Ponyboy Imagine- Something Special

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For AhtziriNavarro5 thanks so much for your requests!! Remember requests are still open!

"I love you so much," you whispered to Ponyboy Curtis, your boyfriend of six months. Your name was Y/N Randle, you were a bookworm just like your boyfriend. You also had the same amount of sensitivity as him. You guys were a match made in heaven. The thing was, the only people who knew that were you two. You're relationship was a secret. You guys actually did a really well job of hiding it, considering the fact you guys were completely in love with each other. You were in the middle of the DX, and thought that Steve and Soda were at the DQ on their lunch break. Little did you know Soda and Steve were eating in the back room. Thinking you guys were safe, you sat on the bench in the corner of the shop. You sat on Ponys lap and gave him a short but sweet kiss.
"You know, Y/N , your so cute."
"Not as cute as you, baby."
You couldn't help it. You fell for Ponyboy Curtis, and you fell pretty god damn hard. This boy made you feel a way no one else did. You would do anything for him, and by anything, I mean ANYTHING. And you knew he felt the same way about you. You soon snapped out of your trance and spoke, "I am so in utterly in love with you, Ponyboy Micheal Curtis." You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"And I am so utterly in love with you, Y/N Y/M/N Randle." You two continued to flirt with each other, totally unaware that both your brothers were standing just a few feet away from you, confused as hell.
After a few moments of awkward silence, Steve finally spoke, "Wh-what is going on here?"
Soda quickly nodded.
"Steve...big bro...uh..ha..*fake cough* me and Ponyboy are kind of.. a couple. pleasedontbemadididnttellyousooneriwasjustreallyscaredabouty-"
"Y/N it's okay, I get it, but Pony," he said strictly looking at Ponyboy, "hurt her and I'll kill you with my bear hands." Soda seemed really happy that his kid brother found himself a girl- let alone his best friends kid sister.
Soda then said, "Yea and Y/N you know I would never hurt you but take care of my kid brother. "
"Trust me I'll never hurt her/him" they both said at once. Which is true, you guys would never hurt each other, what you two had was truly something special.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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