||A Night At The Park||

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You slipped down your window quietly trying not to make any sound that will wake your family up. You brought your trusty backpack that has a laptop and a sketchpad inside.

You went through your phone checking your gallery full of pictures of the skies and other various landscapes. You had an artistic mind which made you very unique.

You walked all the way to the park and find the tallest tree you could see and climbed the tree with ease.

You got your sketchpad out and started to draw whatever came to your mind, when a voice came from below startling you.

"Isn't it dangerous to draw from up there?" A thick british accent filled your ears making you look down at the source of the sound.

"Not if you're used to it." You said closing your sketchpad and studying the boy more carefully.

"May i sit with you up there?" He asked still looking up at you. It was hard to see if your eyes are staring at each other or not because of the darkness.

"Sure." You replied wearing your backpack and moving a bit for the boy to sit.

"My name's harrison." He said once he sat beside you. "(Y/N)" you held your hand to shake which he gladly took.

The moonlight shone on his blue orbs making you admire them.

"You have such beautiful eyes." You both said at the same time making you blush. "Thanks." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Why are you here in the middle of the night?" You asked the dark blonde boy.

"Just to clear up my mind, you?" He said looking down the tree.

"Just trying to relax a bit."

"Oh well can i see what you have been drawing?" He asked. "Yeah sure." You handed him your sketchpad which he carefully took and started flipling through the pages.

The first few pages were filled with animals like a wolf and a lion. But one page seem to make harrison look bit more longer.

It was a drawing of a boy and a girl sitting beside eachother on the same tree you both were sitting on.

"So. . ." He trailed off still studying the drawing. "That's nothing, its just i wanted to meet my first love up here on top of this tree, just chilling." You laughed.

"That would be very romantic." Harrison said giving you your sketchpad back. "I like your drawings too." He added making you feel more confident. "Thanks!" You said.

Silence filled the air which made you feel a bit awkward. "So why do you need to clear your mind?" You asked trying to make the aura less awkward.

"Its just i fel like i have been living on someone else's shadow for too long making me just a second, A sidekick, A wingman, and its just boring you know?" He started, swaying his feet while talking.

"I mean i could do better with my life." He said throwing his hands up.

"Okay chill dude, first maybe being a wingman isnt so bad you know? Second you're already doing good with your life." You said holding his shoulder.

He looked at your hand and said, "its just i feel like girls like me only for my friend and not who i am." You groaned in annoyance but laughed after it.

"How could someone be after your friend when you are literally so handsome and charming?" Your eyes widened on what you just said. "I mean. . .-" harrison cut you off with a hug.

"I've known you for only ten minutes but you already made me feel better." He said smiling at the hug. You hugged back thinking how harrison is such a great person and you only met him for ten minutes.

"Can i get your number?" Harrison asked taking his phone out. "Sure you said entering the digits on his movile phone.

"Thanks." He said, he climbed down first so he could guide you all the way down, even if you told him you didn't need help.

"Thanks for the lovely night (Y/N)." Harrison said looking directly at your eyes making you feel the butterflies in your stomach. "Thanks too, harrison." You said.

You both bid goodbye's and parted way when you heard him yell out your name again.

"CHECK YOUR PHONE!" He yelled and ran into the darkness.

You looked at your phone to see a text from an unknown number.

I didn't have the guts to say this in person because im afraid you'll reject me, but do you wanna go out next friday at starbucks nearby the park? I also wanna get to know you more :)))

You smiled and shaked your head replying to harrison.

"My drawings have finally cam true." You whispered to yourself climbing in your window.

[A/N: well this was pretty crappy, JustEllax hope you like this mate]

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