||its gonna be okay||

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You were often fat shamed because of your size. Sometimes you'd sit in front of a mirror with a cutter trying to gain courage to self harm, but you didnt because you were scared of red, thick blood.(seriously don't self harm im right here. You can talk to me :))

You sat on your desk not talking to anyone. "Jesus christ, what's taking the teacher so long?" You thought to yourself.

As soon as the thought flashed in your mind. Your teacher came in with papers and a cup of coffee.

The students scrambled back into their sits. "Class, we have two transferees today. I want you to meet haz and tom." He said signaling two boys to come inside.

One was dark blonde and the other had brown hair.

"Introduce yourselves briefly." Your teacher said.

The dark blonde went up first. "Hi, im Harrison Osterfield(and im going to teach you how to cut hot bread jks dont mind me😂), you can call me haz and im from england." He smiled after those words came out of his lips.

Damn, he's cute. You thought

"My name is thomas stanley holland but i prefer to be called tom...im also british like this dude." He said pointing at haz. "Alright boys, find a sit." Your professor said, little did you know that there was a seat beside and infront of you. Harrison immideatley grabbed the seat in front of you while tom sat beside you.

You mentally cussed assuming harrison would actually sit beside you. "Hi." Tom said after finally sitting. "Hey." You answered back.


Classes ended and you were at your locker when tom slid beside you. "Hey... (Y/N)? I asked for your name at one of the students. "Oh." You chuckled. "Hi (Y/N)." Harrison cheerfully greeted beside tom. "Hi." You blushed. Tom looked at you before looking back at harrison. Harrison was staring straight at you while you looked down the floor trying to hide your blush."

"I was wondering if you could come with me and harrison to get donuts."(im craving rn ;-;) tom asked. You smiled at them and agreed to go.

"So what are we gon-" you were cut off by (random girl's name)

"Hey fat ass what are you doing with those new kids? Probably turning them into your size too." She cakled and walked a way.

You glared at (random girl's name) as she walked away. "Don't listen to her (Y/N)." Harrison smiled at you.

"Guys why don't you all head up at the school gate while i go check somthing i left back at my classroom." You faked smiled and went the other direction, leaving harrison and tom.

"Man i think she's beautiful." Harrison said under his breath. "She's really pretty. I dont think anyone should do say that." Tom agreed with him.

"She's probably bummed out about it." Harrison thought.

"Hey why dont you wait at the school gates? I'll follow (Y/N)." Harrion said runnibg down the hall not waiting for his friend to answer.

"Sure now im the one alone." Tom muttered.

Harrison dashed and found your classroom. He spotted you sobbing. He went inside very quickly and sat beside you. "Hey hush now. Stop crying (Y/N)." Harrison said carressing your back. "Why are you still here? I told you to wait for me." You sobbed in between words.

"Don't listen to that girl." Harrison smiled at you. "You're worth more than you think." He added.

"Harrison look at me! Im fat and ugly." You pouted tears still streaming down your face. He grabbed his handkerchief and wiped the tears away. "Love, smile now. I'm not eating donuts with a beautiful girl crying beside me." He's thick british accent filling not only your ears but your heart.

You hugged harrison and calmed down a bit.

"Let's get out of here shall we?" Harrison said helping you stand up.

"Also i know its to early but, can i can court you?" Harrison asked sincerely.

"I know its really fas-" you cut him off with a yes.

"C'mon tom has waited real long." You laughed as both of you exited the room.

[A/N: so im done with GreysonMavis' request and i can gurantee you one hundred percent i didnt do my best with this one cuz.....acads ;-; bear with me yow]

Vote and comment ;-;

Oh also i want to know if yall prefer long or a short imagine...oh if you want some extra imagines to add like tom, harry, sam, paddy(IDK HAHAHAH paddy tho ;-;)

I promise if someone requested again i'll do my best to make it... well.... best😂

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