||Hacked Heart||

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December of 2130. You opened up your laptop and caught your breath for a moment.

The security guards was looking for the one who hacked into the osterfield's lab and was responsible for obtaining confidential files.

Of course it all leads to you. You were known as the best hacker. Posters plastered everywhere. Computer geeks had a crush on you. Famous people wanted to catch you.

You were responsible for breaking in secured sites, now you saw that the osterfield's had been keeping something for a long time. It started with a rumor, then came your curiousity to look for evidence and proof. It was all about a new world. Where in humans can live forever but can no longer be fertile. It was absurd! No one should live forever.

You were hiding in one of the locker room's inside the lab. After manually transferring the files from the system to your drive. The alarms triggered and now the security guards were looking for you. You closed your eyes and prayed to dear god that no one would hear your breathing.

"Its clear here." You heard the static of the walkie talkie. "Move on to the next room." A voice said and you heard their footsteps moving on to the next room.

You peeped into the holes and saw that the room was empty. You carefully slid out of the locker and opened the door going to the next room only to be greeted by a blonde boy holding a flashlight.

You were like a deer caught in headlights. He wasnt holding any gun or anything, so you got out your knife. "Move and you'll regret it." You threatened. He raised an eyebrow at you. "I believe what your holding there contains something possesed by my family?" He said and swiftly grabbed your laptop. "Give it back." You whispered.

"One wrong move sweetheart." He smiled. "Look I know who you are give it back." You growled. "Feisty. I like that." He winked. Guards started to come in the back door. "But im sorry." He said before every gun was pointed at you and you found yourself holding your hands up.

January of 2131. Harrison Osterfield declared that you should be set free, seeing as you only hacked the files but didnt get to see the content.

You were set free but you saw harrison's eagerness to talk to you again. You went up to him. "Why did you do that?" You raised a brow, "do what?" He said in his thick british accent and chuckled. "You know what i mean."

"I only did what any gentleman would do." He said smirking. "You have blue eyes. I like your eyes." You said, "until i have to pluck it out to use it to break into your home." You added. "Im sorry, but you'll have to use either a passcode or my hands." He said.

"We'll see." You said before leaving. You enjoyed the conversation though.

February. You were back to being a hacker, but this time, you also stalked for other people. You were paid online secretley but you had to stalk someone for them. Now today was february the 13th and a notification popped up your screen.

"I want to know what will Y/N L/N do tomorrow."

No one knew your identity through the site. You used AE as a pseudonym and. . . Someone wanted you to stalk yourself.

"For how much is this?"

"How much do you want?"

You thought for a while before replying.


"You got yourself a deal. Tell me the details tomorrow at 6 am."

"No. I can do this in 3 minutes. Just wait for it."

Whoever it was didnt reply anymore. You thought for awhile what you were gonna do tomorrow. You were almost out of goods and was thinking to do the grocery tomorrow, but you were always seen at the cafè downtown every 9 am.

"She's at the cafè near maple street, downtown. Tomorrow before 8:45-9:05 am."



Tomorrow came and now you were wearing a turtle neck and a black skirt. You grabbed your blue purse and went outside your apartment and headed downtown to the café and to seat at your usual spot. You put a beanie on started fiddling with your phone.

That's when he came in. The blonde guy. The osterfield. Harold? Harry? Harrison? Yeah it must be Harrison.

He sat on another booth and went on his phone. Your phone buzzed and saw that he messaged your hacking account.

"Thanks. She's here, what do i do?"

"You buy her coffee? I mean that depends if she's here for someone else or to grab coffee."

He stood up and went to the cashier and ordered something. After 5 minutes, one of the worker's approached you and gave you a cup of coffee. He gave you a warm smile, "The blonde guy across gave you the coffee, you dont need to pay for it, miss."

You thanked him and stood up and went over to harrison's table. "Why are you here?" You asked putting down the coffee and seating across him. "Nothing like good coffee to start your morning, right?" He smiled. "Why?" You blurted out. "Why?" He asked. "Why would you do this?" You askes again. "I. . . I actually don't know Y/N." He looked down. You sighed feeling a bit awkward, "y'know what?" He looked up confused.

"Let's hang out today. I'm free today so maybe we can work whatever this is out." You laughed, "does this mean we can be friends, miss L/N?" He smiled. "Find out yourself, sir Osterfield." You chuckled getting up and exiting the café with harrison following behind you with a goofy smile.

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