|| love at first sight ||

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You were resting on harrison's lap. His room was a bit messy but the acoustic guitar sat on the side of his room stood out.

"Harrison can you play?" You asked him looking at his blue eyes which was scanning the phone he was using. He stopped shortly after your request and looked at you. "Sure, but what should i play?" He asked fiddling with your hair.

"I dunno. Just sing whatever you like to." You said standing up for him to get the guitar. He sat down across you from his bed. He lightly strummed and plucked. "Sing." You insisted. He exasperatedly looked at you. "I dont have a good voice?" He said turning out to be more of a question. "You said you wrote a song about your parents in 5th grade as a project and got a perfect score from your adviser and a teary eyed mom." You said straightly looking at him. "Fine. I wrote this for a girl and if she heard this i think she wouldn't like it." He said frowning a bit.

You sweetly smiled at him and let him strum again.

"Could this be love at first sight, or should I walk by again. You're photogenically dressed, the conversation begins." The words came out of his mouth very smoothly. You felt a pang of jealousy coming up, knowing he wrote this for someone else.

"Oh god, now what did I say? Let me start over again..." he strummed ever so lightly your heart fluttered and had a momentarily flashback of you meeting him at the park.

"What are you playing?" A dark blonde  haired boy was peering over your shoulder. You didnt bother to look at him more because you were in the middle of a game.

"Oh just a lousy game. Im trying every game that includes killing and zombies. This one is pretty lame." You said still focusing on your phone.

"Yeesh the graphics looks ugly." He said staring at the game. You paused the game and turned to him. "Seriously though. Why are you here?" You looked amused. "I uhh. I was just bored and wanted to see what you were playing." you laughed.

You both sat there with an awkward tension from two teens. "Im harrison by the way." He said holding his hand up for you to shake.

"(Y/N)." You smiled shaking his hand.

"Could this be love at first sight, oh wait I said that before. I need a place for the night, happy to sleep on the floor, but dont go out of your way and I wont talk anymore." He sang with his eyes closed. He smiled a bit and you breathed out the jealousy soon taking over you.

You suddenly thought about every other girl in his life that may associate with the lyrics he was singing. Everyone knew he still hasn't moved on from his ex.

You could not believe it. Your guy friend, (Y/G/F/N) left the country without telling you. It wasnt his fault though. His shitty father hid him from you for weeks before you saw the post from (Y/G/F/N)'s mom that they left the country for good. His father knew that he likes you, but he didnt want his son to have a relationship with you. You didnt exactly know why, but you hated him.

You headed straight first to harrison because you knew only him was awake at this time of the night. You knocked the door to his house. Your tears started to reform and fell when you harrison opened the door and took one quick look at you and let you in.

You engulfed him in a hug as soon as your feet hit the floor. "W-what happened?" He asked hugging you back. "He-he left me." You sobbed through his shirt. "Shh hey stop crying now. I got you." He played with your hair. "I promise you. He didnt mean it. I also promise that i will never leave your side."

Since that day on. You knew you liked him. You always shrugged it off because you knew you two are only bound to be friends.

"Turn the lights off, I'm in love..." he broke you out of your trance. This was about his ex. You knew it. The song perfectly describes them both. You tried to keep in mind that you two werent together and as long as harrison was happy. You'll support him 'til the end of the line. You must be happy for him.

"Wouldnt you like to, wouldn't you like to, kiss her?" You sighed thinking how lucky the girl must be.

"Wouldnt you like to, wouldnt you like to, dance with her?" He continued. "Darkened night and violent things, vaudevillian girls and strings, all of these are the prettiest things, when im in love." He opened his eyes as he sang this and looked directly straight at you. He gave you a curious look because of the face you're making. You smiled at him to make him keep singing.

"Turn the lights off, I'm falling in love. Wouldnt you like to, wouldn't you like to, kiss her? Wouldnt you like to, wouldnt you like to, dance with her? Darkened night and violent things, vaudevillian girls and strings, all of these are the prettiest things, when im in love." He finished the song and you released the breath you've been holding for so long.

He stared at you for a few seconds before opening his mouth to say something.

"(Y/N)... are you... are you okay?" He asked choosing his words carefully.

"I'm fine. You sound good. The girl would like it if she heard it. Because i loved it!" You said your bubbly side reappearing.

"You really think so? You didnt say anything the whole time. You just made a bunch of faces and it doesnt feel right." He said slightly tilting his head.

"Why?" You asked. You rested your back on the headboard and he did the same putting the guitar aside.

"Well for starters. It wasnt a happy face. It was more of a "oh i just realized something bad" face." He started.

"Second, you said the girl would've liked it but i dont see that reaction anywhere." He said studying you.

"What do you mean? I thought the girl still hasnt heard it before." You said frowning.

"Damn (Y/N). Did you even analyze the lyrics?" You stared at him

He sighed and gave you a notebook. "The lyrics is there. I want you to analyze. That's basically how we met and how i fell in love with you and God (Y/N) you're so dense." He laughed standing up.

You tossed the notebook and tackled him to the ground. "(Y/N) i hate to break it to you but I am not a bed you could just jump on." He groaned. You laughed and rested forehead on his. "I love the song." You whispered in his ear. "You didnt seem to." He said. He picked you up and placed you on the bed. "Now stay there ok? Im gonna go grab us something to eat." He laughed. "Oh you dork."

[A/N: erm this was supposed to be a peter parker imagine but oh well. It happens. Anyways i am desperate for good offline games bcs ya girl is too broke for a good stable wifi connection. Pls recommend. Oh btw if you know the song and stans the vocalist. Dm me i need friends :-( also anyone who knows z nation and can link me with a few 10k fics. That would be good too.]

Harrison Osterfield imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now