recent cumback/ statement: " no fucking shit thats been sitting out in the sun and dried up after eating a whole jar of penutbutter whilst sniffing a sock thats been in a donkeys nose which has had traces of milk cos a cow sprayed milk into the donkeys nose :P
today i got called a fag so i said: no shit sherlock, what gave it away the fact i have been sexting your dad, the fact you saw me in the shower with ur dad OR me dry humping a hello kitty pillow XD
-walks into coffee shop and asks lady at counter " do you sell any toliet shapped nose cleaners"
lady : " sorry we are out of stock but we do sell pictures of ur high school teachers dressed as peanuts"
me: o.O FUCK YEA!
the ultimate kids song:
I love your cunt
you love my cunt
everybody loves cunts, cunts, CUNTS
big cunts, small cunts
cunts that are blind
we love all cunts <3
old cunts, saggy cunts, wet sticky cunts
i love your cunt
you love me cunt
cunity cunt cunt.......cunt
If i offended you well then.......fuck you XD jks i do apologise, but you were warned that toasters will rape your toast and your toast will cry like a bitch XD
now to the good stuff.....
jay: "um jay?"
jay: "yes me"
jay: "what could stuff?"
jay: " um, um PASS, NEXT QUESTION
you every stepped in shit? no stick near by to get it off? well you came to the right place :D
we have for you, the finest in licking shit technology, ppl that can't get jobs, they have no skills, no money, no dignity, and fuckloads of depression due to thier job.
what they do: ensure all shit is licked off the shoe
their equipment: nothing fancy, something simple: there good old fashioned tongue
want to become a shit licker? you can become one asap, just drop outa school, come down to one of our nonfriendly units filled with toxic chemicals and gas, talk to one of our mean, sexist fuckers that work for us, fill in some legal work( dont worry you dont get covered insurence wise) and bam! your now a shit licker.
if you dont want to travel far, you can flush urself down the toliet and visit our headquarters
if you have any questions please ring: 123 fucking hate my life cos im ringing in the first place 321
have yourself a great day :D
OMG you have prob luaghed so hard your nose fell off by now but dont worry its cool to be a micheal jackson wannabe.
what you need: determination
requirements: no nose, a love for raping kiddies
okai, jay is going to talk in third person now (iSMOKEme your gonna love this XD)
do you want to live forever? you do? you uptight cunt, no one wants you to live for ever, go jump in a whole you fucked up muther apple JK or am i -shifty eyes-
there is a cool new store like 2 mins away from my house, sell awesome chips. they are indian and nice ppl who own the store, i have no problem with this. But they come in to our contry and sell us these amaxing chips and its fucking amazing :D ( thats right you racist fucks, you think im that bad XD well i am :P )
Jay's random, immature, sexist, sexual, explicit cumbacks, statements etc :D
HumorFeeling, sad, lonley bored? well you came to the right place. I gareentee you will luagh or get cheered up or your money back :D ( if money has to be given back you will recieve a taser to the balls or nose your choice LMFAO XD) okay my new chapter...