Cars, Food, and 5 other kisses.

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The first time they kiss is also the first time Veronica helps Betty.

The whole gang are at that age when no one really understands their own power to hurt or to befriend, and we all stumble over lines without realizing it.

Reggie and Veronica have gone too far in their teasing, and Jughead’s felt hat is damaged. Betty promises an inconsolable Jughead that she’ll fix it for him. She quickly realises it won’t be as easy as it seemed; the hat had belonged to Jughead’s grandfather’s, and the buttons lining the turned-up rim simply can’t be found anymore. Betty searches the whole town for some duplicate, even goes so far as to post ads in the elderly centre where she volunteers, but to no result.

Then, one night, Veronica turns up to Betty’s parents’ door with her pretty shoes shyly pointing each other.

“My mother, well, her friend, she said… Oh, just take them!” Veronica slaps a small package into Betty’s hands, and turns around. A chauffeur is already holding their car’s door open for her.

Betty blinks and looks down. In her hands are exact copies of the buttons Betty has searched all over for.

Veronica is already one foot in her car before Betty recovers enough from the shock to run up to her. Leaning into the car window, Betty pecks Veronica on the cheek. “Thank you!”

As the car drives away, Veronica’s small hand shoots out from the closing black window, and Betty waves back.


The second time happens in a parking lot.

Veronica and Archie are out together when Archie’s car breaks down. Betty’s mother shouts up the stairs that Archie is calling, and Betty rushes out of the shower to get the phone, only to get asked out… to repair the Andrews truck. Something is wrong with it that Archie can’t figure out, and, “Could you come give it a look?”

Betty agrees, not even considering any other reply. Hastily putting on some clothes, she picks up her tool bag, and leaves at once on her sturdy bicycle. The roads are clear and the moon illuminates the parking lot where Archie and Veronica are stranded.

Betty finds the problem as soon as she props herself under the car: rust took a clear bite out of one of the rods. It needs to be fully replaced, but Betty can do that if Archie finds a replacement, and it'll cost less than towing the vehicle back to a garage. Archie borrows Betty's bike and goes in search of the nearest car supply store to fetch the missing piece, while Veronica is charged with holding a torch lamp Betty had in her bag. Betty stays underneath the car, fixing the shaky looking fuel tank while she's there anyway. Veronica is sitting on Archie's jacket so as not to dirty her own clothes by having to sit down on the concrete floor to light Betty's way. The help is unreliable, because Veronica took to idly playing with the lamp in her boredom, but Betty can see enough from the streetlamp’s ambient light to get by. She tries not to notice the way her position gives her a direct view of Veronica's smooth outside thighs where her skirt is riding up her pulled up legs.

Betty had always known that Veronica had a great body - they change in front of each other enough that she’s pretty sure she knows how many freckles Ronnie has by now. Still, there’s something intimate about this situation, something forbidden in the angle and the warm glow of Veronica’s skin in the cool spring air. Betty averts her eyes once more and concentrates on securing the engine.

After a while of them sitting in companionable silence, Veronica’s head pops under the car and she peers at Betty.  "What is your plan?"

Betty doesn't look away from where she's tightening a bolt. Legs. There would be a lot of legs if she looked, so she doesn't. "What do you mean?"

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