Best I can be

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Veronica loves that her birthday is during fall. The air smells cold and smoky and it’s the perfect weather for cuddling outside under a blanket. She looks at Betty wearing a white knit sweater tucked into a navy skirt. Her legs tucked up under her are protected from the night air by tights and boots.

“It’s getting kind of chilly, let me just grab something.” She says and jumps to her feet to disappear into the kitchen before reappearing with a blanket over her arm and a cheeky grin as she carries two glasses and a bottle of wine back.

Betty laughs and grabs both of the glasses from her as she sits down. Veronica pops open the cork before passing her the bottle. Betty pours two indulgent measures then hands one of the glasses to Veronica and lets her settle the blanket over their legs. Veronica switches her glass to her left hand so she can slip her arm through Betty’s and learn more comfortably into her.

“I love it out here you know.” Betty says, saluting the garden and taking a drink.
The yard light isn’t switched on so they can only see as far as the porch lamp illuminates, just up until the edge of the bougainvillea trees. Veronica bought this house because of those trees, the stunning bright flowers they have in the summer. She couldn’t stop imagining Betty out there in a floral dress against a sea of pink petals.

She sighs and tips her head into Betty’s shoulder, feels Betty rest her cheek on the top of her head.

“Did you have a good birthday Ronnie?”

“Yeah Bets, it’s been a good day. I spent the afternoon with my mom, went for dinner with my friends and now I’m home with my best friend. It’s the perfect day.”

She smiles up at her but Betty isn’t looking back. She’s taking a long sip from her glass and Veronica watches her throat as her head tips back and the edge of the glass rests on a full bottom lip. She takes a drink of her own wine, leaves a red strain on the rim.

It has been the perfect day. She wishes every day ended like this, with the two of them in this cozy little bubble of theirs. She can feel the wine hitting her and making her nice and tingly down her arms and up her legs. She shivers a little and stretches out her legs under the blanket.

“Bets, Bets you should move in here. You should just live here and you can hang out in the garden whenever you want and plant flowers and stuff. We could have breakfast out here on the porch every morning. That would be great.” She says it playfully, like she always does.

Betty hums and takes another sip of wine, runs her fingers over Veronica’s wrist and links their fingers together.

“I’ve always wanted a house like this you know.” She says and Veronica gives her a wide smile.

“Well then there you go! Sorted, you can move in tomorrow!” Betty laughs and shakes her head and Veronica turns to watch her because Betty looks so sweet when she’s laughing. She has one hand up in front of her mouth and she’s ducking her head. Veronica’s throat feels dry and she takes another sip. She’s probably hitting the wine too fast because she’s feeling warm all over and Betty looks soft and inviting, like she’s the house that Veronica wants to live in.

“That would be pretty fun.” Betty’s voice catches a little when she speaks. “I could uh, make you dinner sometimes.” Her fingers stroke along Veronica’s palm under the blanket. Veronica’s stomach flutters thinking about how this fantasy goes in her head.

“I could take you out driving up the coast on the weekend. We could stay in the mountains for a the night.” She adds, pressing their legs closer together and gripping Betty’s hand tighter. She doesn’t think she’s ever wanted anything as badly as she wants Betty Cooper to be kissing her on the back porch of her new house on her birthday.

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