A goodnights sleep

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Betty chewed on her bottom lip as she turned to the next page in her textbook. She knew she had this all down – executive, legislative, judicial – but it never hurt to take a second or third or hundredth look at the material before the test. She ripped dead skin from her lip with her teeth and highlighted a line in the textbook. She didn’t know how she could have missed its importance before.

            The door to the room opened and Betty didn’t look up. Veronica was always in and out of their dorm room – on the way to or from a party, to or from class, to or from her boyfriend’s room – and if her movements distracted her than Betty would have never gotten any work done at all. However, Veronica’s little giggle caught her attention and Betty felt her entire body tense. She knew what the words out of Veronica’s mouth would be before the other girl’s red lips parted.

            “Betty,” Veronica said, just a little too loud to qualify as a whisper, “would you mind giving us some space?”

            Betty bit down on her lip so hard it bled. Sliding her tongue across the blood, she met Veronica’s eyes with her best defiant look. Veronica raised an eyebrow like she didn’t recognize the expression at all. And of course she didn’t. She was used to Betty rolling over at the slightest suggestion, doing absolutely anything for her. It wasn’t her fault. Veronica wasn’t a bully and she certainly didn’t make Betty do anything, but it was just because of that that Betty would give her life for her roommate. Veronica made sure Betty was happy and taken care of and got out every once in a while. If it wasn’t for Veronica, Betty wouldn’t have any friends at all, so Betty did everything for Veronica at the drop of a hat.

            But not tonight.

            “I have a test tomorrow, Ronnie,” Betty said. “Can’t you go to his room?”

            “It’s all the way across campus and it’s late,” Veronica purred. She placed a manicured hand over Betty’s open textbook. “Plus, aren’t you like the number one defender of that study that says it’s bad to study after seven o’clock the day before an exam?”

            “Well, yes, but...” Betty shut her mouth at the curious look Veronica gave her. “I still need a good night’s sleep. And I’m not going to get that if you two kick me out and make me sleep on Kevin’s couch!”

            “Come on, Ronnie. We can go. It’s no big deal.”

            Betty let her eyes leave Veronica and immediately knew it was a mistake. Archie stood leaning against the doorframe, his hair mussed and his lips stained with Veronica’s lipstick. Once, he and Betty had been best friends. Once, she had loved him. Maybe she still did. It didn’t really matter though when Archie was dating Veronica and hadn’t spoken to Betty much since she’d declared her love for him. Which Betty supposed was also her fault. He hadn’t done anything wrong. He just hadn’t loved her back.

            Veronica glanced between the two of them. “Nonsense,” she said. “We’re here already. Let’s help Betty study.”

            Before Betty could protest or even move, Veronica had picked up the textbook and headed over to her bed. She flopped down on her back, bent her knees, and rested the book against her legs. She looked at Archie and patted the spot next to her.

            Archie shot a look at Betty who was too stunned to give him any indication of what he should do. So he stepped in, closed the door behind him, and went to join Veronica. He sat down at the end of the bed, feet still on the ground, and rubbed his hands together.

            “You guys really don’t need to do this,” Betty said. “I mean, like Veronica said, I don’t usually study past seven so—”

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