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(Book Three begins two years after the end of Book Two)

Tony POV

"Ouch." Liv groaned as he pushed herself out of her chair. She had sprained her ankle chasing a suspect in the field, and it apparently hadn't healed right yet.

"Liv, Tony, I need you to go down to get your undercover gear. McGee, head to MTAC, get yourself set up there with Ziver." Gibbs said. He followed me and Liv to the elevator. We were posing as his adult children. Originally, we were going to have Tim be Liv's brother, but then we realized that two adoptive kids with prosthetics was a weird coincidence, and it would be easier to explain just one than two.

"Can I keep the ring on?" Liv asked. She and Sean had gotten engaged about a month and a half ago, and we'd met the guy shortly after Tim got out of the hospital. It was clear from the start that the pair was a perfect match. He was actually looking at a position at NCIS after Liv had gotten approval from Gibbs. He was planning on joining the team as a full-time member.

"I'd say you should put it on a necklace. Anyone asks, it's your late mother's." Gibbs said. Liv nodded. She was wearing her claddagh necklace, and she unclasped it and slid the ring on. As she lifted the necklace back up to her neck, Gibbs stepped behind her. "Here." he said, taking the clasp from her. He closed the necklace and Liv turned to look at him, amazement on her face.

"I didn't think your fingers could manage that." she said, smiling. "My tiny hands can barely do it." Gibbs smiled, placing her hand on one of his. There was half an inch of Gibbs' hand all the way around Liv's. Gibbs smirked.

"I've been married four times." he said. "I've learned a few things." Then he turned to the rest of the team. "Everybody knows the drill?" he asked.

"You, me, and Liv get a room at the hotel that the targets are staying at." I said.

"You become acquainted with the targets," McGee continued, "while acting as if you're on vacation together."

"You get into their hotel room, gather intel and evidence, and arrest them." Ziva said.

"You adopted me from an abusive Irish family, and Tony was taken from an abusive home and placed in your care. A former friend of the abusers knew you and placed Tony with you." Liv rattled off.

"She's Olivia and I'm Anthony. You're Leroy. Last name O'Keefe." I said.

"If we are captured, do not resist, but keep to our cover." Liv said.

"Olivia and I are very close because we both came from bad childhoods." I said.

"I lost my leg because of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer, when I was 15, after a year-long fight starting shortly after my fourteenth birthday. " Liv said. That had been the only plausible explanation for her missing leg. "Most of my scars are from my abusive childhood, some are from surgeries during cancer treatments." she finished. "Oh, and I was born deaf in one ear."

"Any of my scars are from my childhood as well. Some are just because I'm a clumsy person." I said. "In fact, I took a trip to the emergency room my freshman year of high school after tripping over something in the backyard and slicing my knee open on the end of a garden hose."

"And I'm clumsy, too, though to a lesser extent." Liv said. "I sprained my ankle a couple weeks ago because I tripped down the last couple steps at your house." she continued, nodding at Gibbs. Gibbs nodded. "Oh, and I started working out in high school as a coping mechanism, and I still work out regularly and take self-defense classes at your request after I got mugged, which is why I'm so muscular." Liv added quickly. Gibbs had actually been giving her formal self-defense classes just in case somebody asked her about it.

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