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The next morning was the beginning of the first full day with Otis, and I was excited. Otis always stuck by my side unless he was eating, and even then I had to tell him it was okay.

"You ready for work, hon?" Sean asked. "It's gonna be pretty different with a dog." he said. I grinned and nodded.

"I need to introduce him to Abby." I said. "And Duckman and Palmer."

Sean agreed.

"That works, because I have some stuff I have to take to Abbs and Ducky anyway." I said.

Later, at work, I grabbed a sample I had collected the day before for Abby as well as a psych eval of a suspect I wanted Ducky to look at.

"Hey Abby!" I called, walking into her lab, Otis on my heels.

"Hey, whatcha got for me-I see you have acquired another dog." Abby said. "Hey, bud, aren't you cute!" she cooed. Then she gasped suddenly. "Oh my god, you two match!"

"I know." I said, grinning. "Can you believe we both lost the same leg? Both because of cars, too. He was hit by one as a baby."

"Aw, poor guy." Abby said. "Wait, is he a K-9?" she asked.

"Yup." I said. "He's trained as a K-9 and also to be my service animal for my injuries and my anxiety and PTSD." I said. "God, I have a lot of issues." I realized. "Anyway, here's a sample we found poking around in a suspect's house yesterday." I told Abby, handing her the sample.

"I'll pop it in Major Mass Spec and let you know as soon as he figures it out." Abby said.

"Thanks Abbs." I said. "Oh, and I think Otis likes you." I said. Abby grinned and clapped her hands lightly. "See ya later."

Next stop was Autopsy.

"Hey, Duckman!" I called as the doors to Autopsy slid open.

"Olivia, what a nice surprise! Oh, and who's this?" came Ducky's reply. Then Jimmy came walking in through a door in the back.

"Hey, Liv! Hey, bud! When did you get another dog?" he asked. "Aw, you guys both have the same leg missing."

"Guys, this is Otis. He's the newest K-9 officer, as well as my service dog." I said, reaching down to pet Otis.

Ducky and Jimmy came over to pet Otis.

"Oh, Duck, this is for you." I said, handing him the psych eval.

"Thank you, Olivia."

"No problem. See you two later!" I called as I left. Otis padded after me, his toenails clicking on the hard floor.

"Liv!" McGee called as I re-entered the bullpen. "You're just in time. We figured out who killed PFC Mickels."

"Alright!" I cheered. "I'll grab my gear." I said. I grabbed my backpack and Otis' leash. We loaded into the elevator, and I took the opportunity to clip Otis' leash to his collar. "Let's see how you do in the field, bud!" I said.

"Alright, so his name is Joshua Parsons." McGee said, briefing me in the car. "He's 28, incredibly fit. 6'7."

"Wow." I said.

"Yeah." McGee said. "Which is why we need you to chase him down. Or, at least, be in the lead."

"What? Why me?" I complained.

"Because you're in better shape than all of us." Gibbs said.

"And I am also the smallest of all of you!" I protested.

"Which means you know how to win even when you're the little guy in the fight." Tony reminded me. I sighed, defeated.

"I"m at a huge disadvantage with this leg and my new knee, though." I said.

"Yeah, but you beat Gibbs in a sparring match." Tony said. "Nobody beats Gibbs in sparring matches." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, alright," I said, sighing. "But if I hurt myself running, I'm blaming all of you."

We got out of the car and Gibbs pounded on the front door. Otis was poised to run, looking up at me for cues.

"Joshua Parsons!" Gibbs yelled. "Federal Agents, open up!"

No answer. Instead, we heard pounding footsteps and glass shattering. Gibbs kicked the door in and we all burst in through the front door. I called for Otis to follow as I ran in. I caught sight of Parsons as I turned towards the kitchen and I followed. A door slammed, and as Otis and I ran through the door into the backyard, we caught sight of Parsons. I could hear Gibbs behind me yelling for Parsons to stop. I was gaining on Parsons, but he stopped abruptly, turned to face me as he pulled a gun from his waistband, and shot me point blank just below my chest.

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