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Gibbs POV

For twenty minutes, Theo and Alicia took turns torturing Liv in any way they felt like.They shot her up pretty well, too, at least three times. They also used that wicked sharp knife over Liv's entire body. Liv's screams never seemed to stop, echoing through the room. The rest of the team had disappeared from the monitor long ago, presumably trying to find us. I hoped they were fast, because I knew Liv couldn't take much more. Finally, twenty minutes later, Alicia took the mask off to reveal an unconscious Liv.

"She'll be out for a while." Alicia said, removing all but two IV's. "Now who's next?"

"Grab Tony." Theo said.

"No." I said. "Please, just take me and be done with it."

"No, Gibbs." Tony said. "I can't watch any more."

"So close your eyes and let them take me." I said. Tony just shook his head. The table Tony was strapped to moved down so that he was flat again, and Theo and Alicia started unstrapping Tony.

"Not a word, Boss." Tony commanded, his eyes dark.

The same hellish scene played out with Tony, his screams continuing and echoing until, just as before, Theo and Alicia decided they were done, and an unconscious Tony was wheeled next to Liv. Then it was my turn. I was taken off my table and strapped to the cold metal one. The oxygen mask was lowered onto my face. Then Theo took his first swipe with with the knife.


"I got 'em!" Derek cried. "There's a string of warehouses that Theo and Alicia own, but only one has had any power use in the last couple days. I'm betting that's where they are."

"I'll tell Vance to have the jet ready in fifteen minutes." I told him, heading for the stairs. When I got to Vance's office, I pulled a Gibbs and ran straight into Vance's office.

"McGee, I thought-"

"We found them, Vance. Get the jet ready and we'll meet the SWAT team there and get them out." Vance nodded and picked up his phone.

"Get the jet ready. I've got a team going to Florida. An undercover op went south." Vance said. He listened for a moment and then nodded. "Thanks." he said. Then he turned to me. "The jet will be ready as soon as you can get there."

"Thank you." I said, rushing out. I ran down the stairs and back into the bullpen. "Let's go get 'em!" I called. Everybody grabbed their bags, which always held an extra change of clothes for situations like this.

We all ran to the garage and piled into the van. Derek and Monty were on the phone with the rest of their brothers and Ziva had called up Sean, and they were explaining the situation. There was a lot of yelling. An eternal ten minutes later, we pulled into the hangar and ran to the plane with a pilot standing next to it.

"Florida. I sent the coordinates." I said as I ran up the steps into the plane. Within five minutes, we were off the ground and off to Florida. It took us an hour and a half to get there, and Monty and Derek were pacing the entire time. Ziva stared out the window, playing with her star of David necklace. Me, I was a ball of nerves. I paced, I played with my jacket zipper, anything to keep me occupied. Finally, we touched down and raced out of the plane. The SWAT team was already waiting for us, and we geared up fast, pulling on kevlar and gun holsters. Finally, we set off in vans for the warehouse that Gibbs, Tony, and Liv were hopefully in.

When we got there, we split up. We couldn't use thermal imaging from a helicopter because we didn't want to raise alarm with the Lanes, so we had to hope for the best. Luckily, all that hoping worked, because after a few minutes of calling "Clear!" over the earwigs, we finally heard Derek come over again.

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