Would They

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Author's note- At the time of this one I was going through some difficult situations with friends in high school. I'm sure you all know what I mean. "Who are my real friends, who can I really trust?" I've always been a wallflower and it never felt any less apparent when I was with my friends. I understand now that most people lose touch with their closest friends in high school, some are lucky to have one they still talk to on a regular basis. And if you don't believe that it will happen to you, trust me it will. That's just life. But that's the great thing about growing up. As you get older you'll find friends who you may not get to talk to all the time or see every day. A lot of times these are the friends you'll have the rest of your life. Hold onto them and never let them go. One thing that's imperative to understand: suicide is not the answer. Things don't get any easier if you kill yourself. They only get harder for the people who care about you. You never know how many lives you touch and how much of a difference you can make by just giving someone a smile. Please if you have suicidal thoughts I urge you to seek help, consult a counselor and reach out to your loved ones. Your life is worth living.


Would anyone care if I wasn't here?

Those people that I call friends,

Would they be sad if I just disappeared?

Would the mourn, would they cry,

Would any of them say I shouldn't have died?

Am I just a "Dear Abby," someone who only gives advice.

But never struggles, never needs a helping hand of my own?

Am I the one who listens, but never speaks

Never cries, never worries, always a smile on my face?

Would they suddenly wish we still had time together?

Would they wonder why; none of them could guess?

A smile is just an act, it holds back the tears.

When I'm the one who needs to talk

But no one else hears.

Not one call, not one text.

The one always left out.

But I'll be there for you

Cause I never want you to doubt.

I know it's selfish, I know I could never do it.

But if there was a button to end it all,

I wouldn't hesitate to push it.

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