Too Broken

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Author's note- I don't think there's a single artist who can make everything flow perfectly all the time. This poem is like that. This was a bundle of emotional stress that leaked into messy poetry. But the subject of the poem is messy. So with that in mind, I think it fits perfectly.


I'm scared you'll run away.

I'm scared you'll see the mess that's in my head,

That it will be too much for you.

I'm scared that one day I'll break,

I'll let it all out and you'll run.

"I never signed up for this," and

I'll be left to drown.

I'm scared I'll ruin everything,

I won't be who you thought.

I've learned to fight my demons alone,

I don't want to see you getting hurt.

They can tear me apart

But I refuse to let them get to you.

Because you make me so happy

And I don't want to watch that go.

As much as I want you for my own,

You have to understand:

I may be broken beyond repair

I may be too much to handle.

I've never known love,

Sometimes I'm scared I'm unable.

It's all because I care

That I want you to know,

If you leave I'll understand.

I've been burned before.

I'm almost used to it,

Being tossed away to the floor.

I'm scared that you may leave me.

But I don't want to hurt you. 

It may kill me but I'd rather die

Then watch you suffer because of me.

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