Katalina's POV
so now I have one friend pissed at me and my other 4 other friends who think I was a little bit too harsh to her I thought in my head but I didn't give a damn
So I walked out of my dorm and looked for some luinch (lunch inside joke) and got myself some Papa John's pizzeria and then starting walking back to the dorm when someone bumped into me, spilling my pizza all over me plus my soda on them
" What the hell is your problem?!" This deep mysterious voice said as I looked up from my mess
" what the hell is my problem, what the hell is yours!" I yelled at him as he looked taken back at my outburst
" Watch where you are going next time bitch" he said anger filling his voice as he hit my shoulder going the opposite direction
What the fuck?! What a complete jerk it was his fault he was the one who bumped into me and I guess we formed a scene because people started looking at the commotion and then whispering
I walked back to my dorm and opened the door to see all of the girls looking at me and Tori obviously ignoring me
" Katalina you do know that you have to eat the pizza not wear it right" Crystal said to me in a slow tone like if she was talking to a baby
" of course I know obviously I didn't plan this" I said as they all started laughing at me
" obviously I don't care what the hell happened but I'm curious on to why you have pizza on your shirt" Tori said as I completely ignored her to which she got mad
" so basically I bumped into the worst rudest disgusting handsome son of a gun. He was so rude bumped into me and then asked me what was my problem when his dumbass bumped into me like I don't even get an apology although my drink spilled on him and my pizza obviously hit me" I said as they all bursted out laughing
Yes because my pain is a complete and utter laughter to evolve but it's whatever because if I ever find that son of a gun ever again he is going to have a piece of my mind.
" so you met a cute boy and you didn't get his number" Ivy said as I looked at her and started laughing
" you know everything isn't always about boys Ivy. He is a jerk I was not going to get his number right after he called me a bitch" I said as Ivy and Tori gasped
" he called you a bitch where is he at? Point him out and I'll punch him for you" Tori said as Crystal grabbed her bat and then Mae got a chancleta and then Rose got perfume and then Ivy pulled up her pants and rolled up her sleeves
" woah woah guys stop whatever you think you are going to do. I don't need you guys going all latina on their ass and plus ghetto on their ass either" I said as I made my way to the door blocking them
" come on he won't even feel a thing" Mae said still holding the chancleta I mean if I let them go they will probably not know who he is if I let them go
" come on guys no violence okay okay" I said as they groaned and then made their ways to their beds and Mae sat on a bean bag and Rose sat on my bed with Ivy
" good I'm going to change shirts and then I'm going to find ourselves food yes but someone must come with me to get food because I don't carry this by myself" I said as Tori volunteered but I didn't care it's whatever
As I changed into a new shirt because obviously my old shirt had pizza stains on it like if i hugged a pizza onto me. As we were walking to Papa Johns we got a large pepperoni and cheese pizza with a large 7-up and proceeded to pay then walked out the door then I saw that big jerk face but I ignored him as I walked past him but he didn't seem to take notice that I didn't want to talk to him

Unforgettable Experience
Teen Fiction6 best friends enter West Bridge Academy College( Boarding School) which was 6 blocks away from where Ashley Turner disappeared 5 years ago. There's a story behind the school that no one tends to see and every little detail is a chapter to the disap...