Leaving England

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Rose's p.o.v

The guard does not let me go inside. He stops me and says

Guard : Ma'am you can't go in the royal court.

Rose : But I am the princess of Buckingham.

Guard : Yes we have received strict orders to not let you in. We hope you co-operate.

Rose : Yeah I understand.

I wait for some time. Then after a while the police officers come with the queen. She stares at me. She startles me saying that I am the root cause of everything. She is also blaming me for something just like Ashley.

Queen : You're the root cause of everything. Just because if you would do my work properly your sister wouldn't see me .

Rose : What cause ? Why're you blaming me? What did I do? And I have a sister ?

King: Enough! Guards take her . Darling you should go.

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