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Abbie grabbed her as she fell. "Don't do that!"

"Meow!" Kitten Marlie squirmed.

"Err! You insufferable little..." Abbie gathered all her willpower NOT to throw Kitten Marlie off the balcony.


Abbie closed the balcony doors and locked them. She set Kitten Marlie down. Abbie left the room and locked the door behind her to take a walk. Alicia walked out the bathroom, in new clothes.

"And there goes Abbie." Alicia picked up Kitten Marlie.

Abbie looked around St. Louis, She was only rounding a block, but the arch was so beautiful at night. Speaking of night, if this city was the same as NYC in anyway, it would probably be the muggers. Abbie put a hand on her holster as she turned right onto a street.

"There you are!" Alicia appeared behind Abbie.

Abbie jumped and looked behind at Alicia. "Yeah?"

"So, I heard you exploding at Marlie the kitten. Care to explain why?"

"I got mad at Bast. I want the original Marlie back. Is there anything wrong with that?" Abbie said, still a bit mad.

"Then you would be dealing with a fangirling 10 year old, who would be jumped around super hyper about having the cat goddess in her body. That better than a kitten?"

"Yes! Marlie's a kitten, and Bast won't change her back! Why do you not find this bad?!"

"If you lived with Marlie for 10 years, you'd get it. But yes, I am a little concerned that Bast won't change her back."

"As you should be."

"So, Bast is in Marlie's body, and Isis is in yours?"

Abbie nodded.

"Meow!" Kitten Marlie tackle hugged Abbie from Alicia's head.

"I thought I left you in the room?!" Alicia exclaimed.


Abbie sighed, obviously annoyed. "Let's just go back to the hotel. Though you're the one who's dealing with Kitten Marlie."

"Love to." Alicia smiled, enjoying this, and headed back to the hotel, Abbie following close behind.

"Now what? Do we try to figure out the Egyptian goddesses problems?" Alicia asked.

Abbie was laying on the bed in the room. "I guess. Though I wouldn't know how to get a goddess out of your head."

"You can ask them nicely." She suggested.

"I'm not sure that would work. I can try, though."

"Then try."

Abbie closed her eyes. 'Hey, Isis, can you get out of my body?'. No answer.

"Is it normal having a voice inside your head? That isn't yours?"

"With a goddess in your body, I would say so. It's happened to me and Isis."

"It's not a female voice."

"It isn't?"

"It isn't."

Abbie sat up. "A male voice? A god in your body?"


"Unusual. Not unheard of, but unusual."

"It's concerning because I don't know who it is."

"No? Well it could be any Egyptian god."

"And out of those Egyptian gods, it cou-" Alicia started but stopped.

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