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Alicia was already awake, stretching. Her limbs stiff from the position she slept in. Abbie woke up and yawned. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Good mo- wait, what time is it?"

Alicia glanced at the alarm clock. "2am. So technically, yes, it's morning."

"Okay. Then good morning Alicia."

"Good morning, but our sleep schedules are off."

"So? I have a feeling that soon enough, sleep schedules won't matter soon."

"Oh well. One problem now, the museum is closed right now."
"Oh.. Yeah... That would be a bit of a problem."

"Alrighty, what do we do?"
"Well, I say we go out and looked for magicians on the streets. Best bet we have 'til the museum is open."

"Yeah. You know your way around?"
"Isis does. Doesn't Set?"
"Ok. We'll search the town and meet back in front of the hotel."

"Oh goodie! What if something happens?"
"Defend yourself. If one of us don't get back to the hotel, then look."

"See you in a few hours." Abbie said, walking down the street.

"Yeah." Alicia walked the other way.

Abbie started looking around. She didn't want to ask anyone just yet if they were magicians. Suddenly, a voice sai from behind "Heh-sieh." Abbie stopped in her tracks and turned around. A magician was watching her, an ivory wand and a staff with an insect head carved on the top. Alicia was walking down the street in an alleyway, not the best idea, minding her own business when someone from behind said. "Heh-sieh!" Alicia stopped in her tracks, wanting to look around but couldn't. 'Set, what's going on?' No reply. Alicia heard the magician walk closer to her, then she felt something hit the back of her head before the ground came rushing up to meet her.

"Now I can see you have way more powerful magic than the rest of us." The magician said. "Spill the beans. What are you doing."

"Um.." Abbie started.

The magician stopped her. "Too bad, I'm supposed to take you to headquarters." He walked over to her and hit her, knocking her out. He caught her.

Abbie awake sudden;y. Her head hurt like crazy. She got up and looked around. She was in a room much like a prison, alone. Isis was silent. Alicia woke up tired to a chair, which isn't very pleasant. Two magicians stood in front of her, crossing their arms.

"You're awake." One of the magicians said. "Now, listen, we're going to ask question to you. OK?"

"Ya kidnap me and want to ask me questions? What makes you think I'll answer 'em?"

"You will answer them. Now then, some magicians looked into the Du'at and realized you and your friend's magic are way stronger than the average magician. Tell us why."

Alicia stayed silent and averted her eyes to look anywhere but at the magicians.

"Tell us, or else."

"Or else?"

"Sa-mir." Hieroglyphs appeared all over Alicia, and started causing extreme pain. Alicia screamed. She bit her lip, still refusing to talk. The magicians still kept it on her. Abbie reached for her whip, but the holster wasn't there.

"Oh no..." She whispered.

"You'll... Have to... Try... Better than that..." Alicia said, through gritted teeth.

The magician stopped and the hieroglyphs disappeared. A woman entered the room

"Boys, that's not how you treats guests. Though we'll have to keep you tied up." She walked over to Alicia. "Now, can you please tell us what you want?"

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