Chapter 5: Little Steps

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Okay, the swimming lesson wasn't that bad even with Tobias.
Today is Wednesday and I'm wearing a salopette with a black crop-top underneath it.
I already told my mom that I'm going to Serena's house on Friday and she said that she'd go to the supermarket to get some crisps and drinks.
Now we're doing a German lesson, it's 1 o'clock.
Me and Elizabeth are talking about boys and of how I found out that Tobias does swimming.
Elizabeth couldn't believe it.
After a while I received a piece of paper from Tobias. On it was written 'talking about me, are you? :-)'.
I turned around and the middle finger, he laughed.
-That's when our relationship began-
«You're friends now» Elizabeth affirms happily.
«Kind of» I reply.
Elizabeth made a heart with her hands and said «Looooooove».
«Shut up» I said.
Behind me Tobias was suffocating a laugh.
«You too, Tobias» I say exhausted.
«What if I grab you and kiss you?» Tobias asks me.
We're sitting on a bench at his house. Soon I need to go to karate but for now I'm here.
«No way» I say.
He grabs me. Our lips are like two centimeters apart.
«Don't...» I warn him.
«Please» He says.
I sigh. I don't want to kiss him. It's too much.
I push him away then say «I need to go», I get up and before closing the front door I say «I hate you».
Then I don't know what the hell happens to me but I reopen the door, run to him and kiss him on the cheek.
«I still hate you» I remind him.
«I know» He replies.
I go outside and back home. I found out Tobias lives a few blocks away from me.
«Finally. Where were you?» Mom asks me urgently.
«at my friend's» I answer as if it was obvious. It is, thought, because I told her where I was going.
«Come on, get in the car».
As soon as I walk in the building, warm arms grab me: Albert.
He kisses me on my lips really quickly so nobody sees us.
«I haven't finished with you» He warns me when I push him away.
«After» I reply with a little laugh.
I know what he means. But I forgot to tell my mom.
I send her messages:
Me: mom I forgot to tell u that after karate I'm going to Albert's house. I'll come home at 9, okay? His parents invited me to eat at theirs.
Mom: ok but how r u coming back home?
Me: bus
Mom: ok. Love u
Me: me too
«Follow me» He mumbles.
I know what he wants and I want it too.
We go in the public bathroom and he locks the door then he turns around and says «I've missed you».
Then he kisses me.
I'm leaning on the locked door.
Our kisses are the best, I don't know how to describe them.
«One day» He whispers on my lips «I'm going to take you to bed. I want you to be mine».
«But I am yours» I say.
«No. I mean REALLY mine».
Then he kisses me again.
He's going to take me to bed only when I'm about 16 or older.
But I'm not sure of that.
You never know when you're going to do something with Albert, it could happen in a few hours or twenty years.
His hands travel around my body, without stopping anywhere.
«We need to go» I remind him.
I don't want to go but I came here for a reason: karate.
«No» He groans.
He puts more pressure on our kiss so it gets mite difficult to push him away.
«Dammit Albert!» I exclaim angrily.
I push him away harshly.
I unlock the door and get out.
"Great. We're late."
Everybody is already in the dojo. I run to the door leaving Albert alone. When I open the door, our teacher, the most severe one, asks me where I was.
«In the... er... bathroom» I lie. I've always been good at lying.
Then Albert opens the door.
«You've been with Albert haven't you?» She demands with an evil grin.
«Er... no» I lie again, trying to sound convincing.
«I heard you» She tells me.
«Heard what?» I ask curiously.
«Kissing» She says simply.
"Sh*t!" «But I didn't kiss anybody» I say.
«You didn't» She repeats.
«I didn't» I affirm.
«So it was someone else?» She asks.
«I seriously don't know. I told you I was in the bathroom!» I say indignantly.
«Okay, fine» She gives up. «Albert, did you kiss Stephanie?» She asks him.
«Yes... no wait... er... no, I didn't» He mumbles.
«Sh*t» I groan.
«Ste, I'm not angry, I've kissed people when I did karate at your age. I'm just saying: try to be in time» She explains.
I sigh of relief.
«Oh... yes sure» I say understandingly.
"Idiot" I say to Albert in my mind.
After karate, Albert takes my hand and we walk outside.
I turn around, to say goodbye to my friends, but I see the teacher looking at me instead.
Arrived at home, I salute Albert's parents then have a shower in their bathroom while Albert does it in his.
When we've finished, it becomes time to eat. Soup. Okay.
As soon as we finish the soup, Albert and I go to his room.
He enters firstly, I follow him.
I lock the door while he starts kissing my neck. His hands traveling from my stomach to my thigh.
«Ste... Ste» He groans «I love you».
It's really rare he actually says he loves me, it's usually "I miss you, I like you, Honey, Love of my Life, Mine", but "I love you" means much more than any of those other words for me.
As soon as he says those three words my heart starts beating faster.
I turn around. The temptation gets higher and more difficult to control.
I kiss him on the lips. This time I'm the one putting pressure. His hands indulge on the beginning of my ass.
"Maybe he's scared of touching me" I think, so I let go his neck for a moment and grab his hands, stroke them a bit, then pull them down, where he wanted them to be from the start.
He trembles for a few seconds, just because he's scared.
My hands go back to his neck, stroking it, scratching it gently.

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