Chapter 10: Tobias And Only Tobias

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Okay, so Albert gave me a ring to show the world I'm his, because I didn't know it before... haha
But that night we talked and kissed, and talked and kissed...
We had a wonderful night, I came home at 10ish.
It was the next day when I got a message from Tobias:
T: hey Ste... I just wanted to say that I know you liked that kiss and so did I... so do you want to come to town with me anytime... not a date, not as a couple, as friends... please
Me: okay fine
T: thx Ste
Me: nah it's okay
T: this afternoon? Not late
Me: sure. At 4?
T: yep
Me: okay
T: okay
Me: I hate u
T: me too
«I don't know what to tell you» I say nervously.
We're sitting on a bench near the sea.
«Did you kiss me on purpose?» He asks me.
«Tobias...» I moan.
«It's just yes or no. Simple».
I shake my head. It's not simple at all, if only he understood...
«I don't know» I whisper.
"That's an answer" I think to myself.
He sighs angrily.
I sigh desperately.
«Kiss me» He says thoughtful «If you obey, it's a yes... if you don't then it's a no».
«I can't Tobias» I cry «Don't make me do this».
«look at me» he orders.
I shake my head violently.
He forces me to look at him putting his two fingers under my chin and pulling them up.
«I know you feel something for me» He warns me.
«so what?» I growl.
«So that's it. Stay with me, do it Ste» He moans «I love you too».
I lean over to him and kiss me quickly, hoping nobody saw us.
«Ste... what is that?» He asks me after I kissed him.
Dammit, I forgot not to touch him with my right hand: where the ring is.
He pulls my hand to his face.
«Who gave you this?» He asks quietly.
«My best friend, she has one too» I lie.
«Don't lie, Ste»he warns me.
I sigh.
«Fine. Truth hurts thought: Albert gave it me» I say.
«Oh» he whispers sadly «Nice, isn't it?».
«don't force yourself to like it» I moan «Because I know you don't».
He doesn't answer me.
«Tobias. You said just friends, remember?» I remind him «So a ring from Albert means nothing to you».
«I know, I know» He says impatiently.
«But you still kissed me» He reminds me.
Sooner or later, I'm going to kill this guy.
I look at him really madly.
«I'm just saying that friends don't kiss each other in the mouth...» He adds before it's too late.
«I-know!» I growl.
«Okay... calm down beast» he says with a nervous laughter.
I'm not in the mood of laughing.
«I just want you to be with me» He moans.
«You want too much» I warn him.
«She doesn't understand!» He moans to himself.
«You don't understand!» He repeats to me.
«Oh, I do!» I tell him with a fake laugh.
«You don't understand a damn thing! You don't, it happens to people like you!» He yells.
«People like me how?» I whisper abashed.
«Stupid, prejudiced» he reflects a moment «If you only understood».
I'm starting to get p*ssed off, why should I be the one to understand when he's the one that doesn't? He doesn't get it that I'm with Albert, that I love him, that we're getting serious in this relationship; he doesn't get it because he's too selfish!
«Are you saying I'm stupid and selfish? Have you looked at your inner self yet?» I ask stupefied.
«No... well yes, but...».
«You're the selfish one, let me tell you this» I say.
«I'm going. I can't stand you any longer, especially when you say you love me then you criticize me» I growl.
At home I try not to think about Tobias but it gets harder every day.
I receive lots of messages from him like "sorry, let's meet up, I need to talk to you, sorry again, please" but I don't answer any of of them. After all, he said I'm stupid and selfish...
«Go and love yourself» I shout when I listen to the song "Love Yourself" from Justin Bieber.
The next day Tobias doesn't show up at school but at the beginning I don't get worried a lot.
"Maybe he's just ill".
On Monday, thought, I start to get a little worried. He hasn't been at school for nearly a week.
I try to call him during break time but he doesn't answer the phone.
"Maybe it's dead".
I call his mom, but she says that he's got bad fever. I don't trust her.
Something is going on and it seems that I'm the only one that doesn't know about it.
On Saturday, in the morning, I call the mom again and ask her if I can talk to him but she says he's asleep.
On Sunday evening I call her for the hundredth time and still invents an excuse for him so I can't speak with him.
On Monday I ask the teachers if they know why Tobias isn't at school and they repeat what his mom told me last time: he has fever.
I ask Elizabeth and some of his friends if they know why Tobias doesn't show up, they say: fever, I guess.
I give up.
"Probably they're right, probably he just has fever, like they told me, and I'm getting worried for nothing" A little tiny part of me thinks.
When I arrive at home on Wednesday I see a package on the doorstep signed "For Ste, from Tobias". I grab it and run straight to my room.
When I open it I find a beautiful necklace with a colored diamond. It's the color white that represents "cancer": (I'm born in July).
I put it on immediately.
"How did Tobias know I like these types of necklaces?"
I try to phone him. Nothing.
I call the mom.
«Can I talk to Tobias please?» I ask.
«Okay, fine» She gives up.
"Finally you damn witch"
«Thank you»
«Stephanie» A voice says from home, I think.
«Tobias. Is that you?» I ask.
«Yes why?».
«Your voice is different» I notice.
«I have fever» he reminds me.
«Yeah, I know».
«Thanks for the necklace» I say.
«Do you like it?» He asks uncertainly.
«Of course. It's beautiful. How did you know I like these types?» I demand.
«I didn't».
«Oh... how are you feeling, anyway?».
«I'm okay, you?».
«I'm fine thanks» I reply.
«good» he mumbles distractedly.
«Can I come and see you?» I ask.
«No, Stephanie» he answers «It's too dangerous».
«how can it be dangerous? You just got a bad fever» I exclaim.
«No. Don't come» He repeats. I can feel him shaking his head violently.
«Fine» I say before closing the phone call.

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