Chapter 7: Complications

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He has no hair.
Forgetting to salute him, I exclaim «What the HELL did you do to hair?».
«Missed you too» He responds as if nothing happened.
«I haven't» I growl «SO?».
«I wanted it like this» He says simply.
«But you said you LOVED your hair like that!» I shout hysterically.
«People change».
«Not this much!».
«They do» He says severely.
I give up. He's so stupid.
«I-I can't stand this. I need to go. Bye» I whisper.
I usually whisper when I don't understand the reason why a person did something.

Me: Elizabeth!!!!
E: hey what-sup
Me: Tobias cut his hair off, all of it: he's completely BALD
E: nahhh
Me: yessss!
E: r u serious
Me: def
E: omg hes crazy
Me: ik right
E: we will see tmr
Me: ye ull see
E: bye

I go back on the bus without a ticket but luckily nobody notices it. Or maybe they did but didn't say anything.
«Why are you here early?» Mom asks me when I come home.
«He didn't feel well after the ice cream» I invent.
I go in my room and lie down on the bed. One of the reasons I liked Tobias was his hair. Beautiful and cute.

Me: I hate u
T: I'm used to it

I throw my phone on the sofa and open my book: "After".
It's 8.34 when I close the book because my eyes hurt.
I want Albert.
My parents will NEVER let me go out at this hour, but I still ask them.
«Papi, posso andare a casa del mio amico?» "Dad, can I go to my friend's house?".
«Quale amico?» "Which friend?"
«Albert» I reply sheepishly.
«Amico o... fidanzato?» "friend or... boyfriend?".
«fidanzato» "boyfriend".
«Okay» He says.
«Grazie!» "thanks!"
I run to get my phone then get out if the door as soon as possible.
I won't even tell him I'n coming, I know It's fine with him anyway, it always is.
When I get to his house, I climb it and get to his window. I can see him on writing something on his desk, probably doing homework.
I silently open the window and slide in the room.
He still doesn't notice me. Better.
I get behind me and lower myself to his neck. I lick it gently, then kiss it.
«Ste» He whispers «Why are you here?».
He doesn't sound annoyed at all, he actually seems amused.
«Don't talk. Just kiss» I mumble.
He gets off his chair, grabs me and sits me on his desk. He gets closer to me, then I close the distance with a passionate kiss.
I just wanted him.
Not later, but now.
He pushes me away, so he can see my whole face.
«Why are you here?» He asks me severely.
I pull his neck closer to me but he resists.
«Ste» He says.
«I wanted to stay with you» I answer simply «Is it illegal?».
He sighs «Then why didn't you ring the bell?».
«I didn't want to bother your parents» I reply.
«Really? That's a stupid answer» He says.
«No it isn't. I'm just kind» I say.
«My parents don't go to sleep till past midnight» He reminds me «And the door to my room is unlocked. If they come in, they're going to ask questions».
He walks to the door, locks it, and sits on the bed.
He's acting differently.
"Maybe he found another girl" is my first thought.
He's looking intensely outside the window even though it's pitch black.
«Albert» I dare.
He doesn't answer me. Bad sign.
«Albert» I say with a more confident tone.
«Yeah» He groans.
«Do you like me still... or did you find another girl?» I ask cautiously.
«I'm not angry... I just want to know» I add in a whisper.
Now he looks at me.
He stands up and comes to me. His head gets closer. Inches. Then he kisses me as if it was the last time we'd see each other.
Then I knew: he just takes care of me like a parent. He loves me a lot.
So I return the kiss, grabbing his neck and face, so he doesn't go away.
When we finish kissing, he asks in a hard tone «Is this enough to tell you that you're crazy?».
I smile, but he doesn't. He's protective and that's why he's so severe now.
«I don't know. Why don't you try kissing me again, then I'll be able to tell you» I say daring.
Of course I'm sure, I just want him to kiss me, and knows it, so it's his turn to smile.
«Idiot» He whispers before touching my lips again.
He slowly moves his hands to my backside. He grabs me and takes me on the bed.
He lies me down and takes my t-shirt off.
«I've never seen you with these clothes on... you said you hated them» He whispers while he throws my t-shirt on the floor.
«I-» I open and close my mouth, not knowing what to say.
He automatically pushes me away.
«So? I'm not going to kiss you till you give me a good reason» He warns me.
«Dammit» I say out loud, rolling my eyes.
He sits down on the other side of the bed. I know he's not going to move till I'm going to give him a good reason.
I don't know what to say.
«Are you going to tell me?» He demands.
I can't talk.
«Evidently not» He mumbles.
«Well, you can go if you don't want to talk with your boyfriend» He says angrily.
"Sh*t, what do I do now?"
I sit too, feeling uncomfortable with only a bra and shorts on.
He stands up immediately, grabs my t-shirt and throws it at the semi open window.
«Get you damn t-shirt and get the hell outta here» He roars without looking at me.
I start crying, I don't why, I don't know what I've done, I don't know why I'm listening to what he's saying.
I just grab my t-shirt and put it on.
While I do so, he whispers «I should be the one that's supposed to cry, not you, so stop it».
Then I go back home.
In tears.

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